Editorial – Be counted

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Editorial – Be counted

The threats revealed this week against enumerators of the 2023 Census in Namibia is worrying, not only because of the importance of the exercise for planning and development but also for plans and programmes against issues like rampant unemployment.

The threats come from those who were unsuccessful in the recruitment exercise for the census. Over 100 000 applied for 13 000 census jobs. 

Census is an essential tool for any nation to gather accurate, up-to-date information about its population, which serves as the cornerstone for informed decision-making and development planning. The 2023 Census in Namibia is not just a statistical exercise; it is a critical endeavour that will shape the future of the nation in numerous ways, making it imperative for all Namibians to support and actively participate in this crucial undertaking.

The data collected during the 2023 Census will play a pivotal role in the formulation of policies and strategies to address the country’s current and future needs. Government officials, policymakers and researchers rely on Census data to make informed decisions about education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and social services. Accurate population figures and demographic information are essential for allocating resources efficiently and equitably across regions and communities.

Previous census revealed the litany of socioeconomic disparities within Namibia, enabling authorities to design targeted interventions and programmes to address these inequalities. It provides insights into income disparities, access to education, healthcare, and basic amenities, helping to bridge the gap between different groups and regions. By supporting the census, Namibians can contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive society.

The census data is also fundamental for the determination of electoral boundaries and representation in the country. An accurate count of the population ensures that each Namibian’s voice is equally represented in the government. Supporting the census is a way for citizens to ensure that their political rights are upheld, and their communities receive fair representation in the government.

Accurate demographic data can also be a lifesaver in times of natural disasters and emergencies. It helps authorities plan for disaster preparedness and response by knowing the population density in different areas and understanding vulnerabilities. By participating in the census, Namibians can contribute to their own safety and the well-being of their communities.

Private businesses also rely on census data for market research, investment decisions, and expansion plans. A comprehensive census can attract investments, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities. Supporting the census is not only a civic duty but also a way for Namibians to promote economic development in their country.

Healthcare systems require accurate population data to plan for the allocation of resources, healthcare facilities, and services. The 2023 Census will provide essential information about the distribution of healt hcare needs across Namibia. By participating, Namibians can contribute to the improvement of healthcare access and outcomes for themselves and their fellow citizens.

Namibia is known for its rich cultural diversity, with numerous ethnic groups and languages spoken throughout the country. The census helps preserve and promote cultural diversity by ensuring that minority groups are recognised and represented appropriately. By supporting the census, Namibians can ensure that their cultural heritage is acknowledged and protected.

The 2023 Census in Namibia is not just a statistical exercise; it is a fundamental building block for the nation’s future. Namibians, from all walks of life, should recognise the importance of their participation in this endeavour and actively support it. 

By doing so, they can contribute to better policymaking, social equity, electoral representation, disaster preparedness, economic development, healthcare planning, and cultural preservation. In essence, a successful census will lead to a stronger, more informed, and more prosperous Namibia. It is a collective responsibility and an opportunity for every Namibian to shape the destiny of their nation positively. Be counted.