
Industry Loop – NamWood

Home National Industry Loop – NamWood
Industry Loop –   NamWood

For years, I have been criticising Multichoice Namibia for not doing enough for the Namibia film industry. This is because if one looks a little deeper and compares what Multichoice does for the film industries in countries like Nigeria,  Zambia and South Africa, you would see that my critical analysis was justified. 

Now, I am not saying that Multichoice Namibia has done zero for the Namibia film industry. In my analyses, it just was never enough, compared to the aforementioned countries. 

Hence, I am the happiest Namibian creative alive right now because of Project Mukorob. In case you missed the news, Project Mukorob is a collection of 13 Namibian short films that either air on kykNet or are available on the streaming site, Showmax. 

Project Mukorob is a brainchild of Multichoice Namibia. Omake, I say!

Not 1, not 2 but 13 films! That is the type of aggression the Namibian film industry has been yearning for. That is the type of aggression the Namibian film industry needed. I personally applaud Multichoice Namibia for changing the game and leading it at this point. 

Hopefully, this inspires political willpower to recognise and understand what a film industry can do for a small nation like Namibia. 

Look at what Hollywood has done for the USA. Take a moment and understand what Nollywood is doing for Nigeria. 

A thriving film industry can only benefit the country, especially with the GDP. Hopefully, those running for office in next year’s national elections understand this and amplify this message. So, to amplify the conversations around the Namibian film industry, we have a seasoned actor in the hot seat today. 

Mervin Claasen – a man who has been on stage for various reasons since primary school. He will make you understand how important the film industry is. Watch the podcast. Take notes. Tweet us, using the hashtag #IndustryLoop, and spread the message! 

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM 

* I’m on Showmax. Talk to me nice. Otherwise, visit my website www.nskgmtm.com