
Rehoboth’s Bugershoek residents toil together

Home National Rehoboth’s Bugershoek residents toil together
Rehoboth’s Bugershoek residents toil together

REHOBOTH –Rehoboth’s Bugershoek settlement residents have devised initiatives to make their lives a little easier.   

Faced with the daunting task of fetching water from a distant communal tap, residents devised a solution, connecting water pipes to bring water directly to their doorsteps. 

The innovation has now spared them from the daily chore of hauling water containers over long distances.

Putting hands together in their collaborative efforts to quench their thirst, individuals in the informal settlement pooled their resources, each contributing N$50 to procure a 300-metre water pipe. 

Established in 2010, the Bugershoek informal settlement now resorts under the Rehoboth Town Council’s jurisdiction. 

Maria Gawanas, spotted collecting water from the improvised water source, shared her experience with New Era recently. 

“Having to carry water containers daily was exhausting. We had to walk 500 metres to reach the tap and another 500 metres to return home. This new method is much simpler and highly effective,” Gawanas said. 

The procedure involves a coordinated effort, with one person managing the tap to dispense water using tokens. Esmarezda Izaaks, the chairperson of the Bugershoek committee tasked with addressing the residents’ challenges and liaising with authorities, emphasised the current lack of essential services within the settlement. 

“Collaborative efforts with the town council are progressing well, including plot demarcation. The land’s transition from traditional authority to town council management has paved the way for service improvements,”  Izaaks said. 

She then indicated that the community and council have reached a consensus that all plot owners contribute an amount of  N$3 750 as a deposit to facilitate service provision, primarily water and electricity.

“We are committed to paying for these services and are working closely with the local authorities to ensure access,” she stated, with the unanimous support of fellow committee members. While each plot’s cost is N$12 750, payment arrangements are being negotiated, particularly for unemployed individuals and pensioners who may struggle to afford the entire amount. 

Highlighting some of the community’s challenges, Izaaks pointed to drug and alcohol abuse among the youth as their chief concerns.  She noted the hurdles encountered when reporting these issues to the police due to a lack of cooperation.


Furthermore, the settlement also lack proper road infrastructure. 

Typical of Bugershoek’s residents to say no to wait-and-see, they have taken it upon themselves to relocate their dwellings, clearing a path that emergency responders can utilise.

She said the committee of the  Bugershoek informal settlement will continue to overcome challenges and strive for improved living conditions, as their resourcefulness and determination remain at the forefront of their efforts.

–    ljason@nepc.com.na