Peaceful protest called against commercial banks

Home National Peaceful protest called against commercial banks
Peaceful protest called against commercial banks

AN AUDIO clip circulating on social media, apparently under an organisation called the National Ownership Association, is calling for a peaceful demonstration against the country’s commercial banks. 

According to the clip, the demonstration, planned for 25 August, is being called to show discontent over the alleged continued exploitation of Namibians by the commercial banking system. 

“Everything is in place, we are ready for the greatest post-independent protest against commercial banks. When a vulnerable member of society approaches them for a negotiated settlement, they simply give them a cold shoulder. We are ready to march on to them. 

“We will not spit in their faces although they deserve that, but we are going to be peaceful as we demonstrate against these hooligans who do not deserve to enjoy the peace that we stand for,” the clip voiced. 

In a response issued yesterday, CEO of the Bankers Association of Namibia, Brian Katjaerua said the association only recently learnt of the planned march against banks on 25 August 2023 organised under the auspices of the National Ownership Association, through media platforms.

“We are informed that the protest is against, among other things, the captured civil litigation system and home repossessions. The protest brief appears to suggest that this is against commercial banks, Bank of Namibia, and lawyers,” said Katjaerua.  

He emphasised that allegations of home repossessions and other perceived exploitation of Namibians by banks is unfortunate and lacks any credible substance. 

He advised customers who may have grievances against their banks to approach the commercial bank to resolve the dispute. If that does not yield results, customers are advised to approach the Bank of Namibia to assist with the resolution of the dispute with a particular commercial bank (in terms of the law) or to approach courts as a last resort.