
Accused housebreaker rapist denies guilt

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Accused housebreaker rapist denies guilt

A Windhoek resident who is accused of breaking into a shack in Goreangab informal settlement and raping two women pleaded not guilty to all charges yesterday.

Moses Aubrey Salele answered not guilty to each of the charges put to him by State advocate Palmer Khumalo. His Legal Aid lawyer Enos Mwakondange confirmed the pleas and told Windhoek High Court Judge Philanda Christiaan that his client will not provide a plea explanation and puts the onus on the State to prove every allegation against him.

It is alleged by the State that Salele and an unknown person broke into the shack of the complainants on 5 June 2020 and held them at gun and knife point and raped them alternatively. The victims may not be named to protect their identities. It is also alleged that they robbed the victims of a cellphone. The alleged accomplice of Salele was never apprehended and he denied being the culprit or that he was in the shack with an accomplice. According to his reply to the State’s pre-trial memorandum, he will make use of an alibi defence and will call one witness, Ndamona Hijalulwa, to testify in his defence.

Salele, who sported GRN attire during his court appearance yesterday, told this reporter that he plans to sue the ministry of safety and security after he is acquitted for unlawful arrest and prosecution. According to the prosecution, however, they have positive identification from the complainants that it was Salele who violated them with the help of an accomplice. He is facing 13 charges including two counts of housebreaking with intent to rape and rape, seven counts of rape, two counts of pointing a firearm and one count of robbery. It is alleged by the State that Salele and his accomplice broke into the shack of the complainants took turns to rape the complainants by force, Further, it is claimed they assisted each other in raping the complainants by threatening force and by threatening them with a knife and firearm. 

Khumalo called only one witness yesterday, the scene of crime officer who only testified about photographs he took at the scene. The matter will continue today at the High Court situated at the Windhoek Correctional Facility and Salele is free on bail.
