Nanso reacts to Nghiwete’s suspension

Home National Nanso reacts to Nghiwete’s suspension

Albertina Nakale

Windhoek-In light of the suspension of the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) chief executive officer (CEO) Hilya Nghiwete, the Namibia National Students’ Organisation (Nanso) said they expect the fund to continue ensuring it responds favourably and on time to the applications and approval of students’ funding for the 2018 applicants and continuing students.

Matheus Taapopi, who is the Nanso national spokesperson, said this in reaction to the NSFAF board’s assurance that the fund would continue with business as usual with no impact on its mandate and obligation.
The board yesterday announced the suspension of Nghiwete as CEO.

NSFAF chairperson Jerome Mutumba revealed her suspension is on account of serious allegations that had come to the attention of the board.

“The concerned allegations border on the centrality of maladministration and or administrative corruption, amongst other misconducts, which upon preliminary review by the board presented prima facie reasons justifying that in the interest of the institution and the public at large, certain disciplinary actions be considered against her,” Mutumba announced.

Nanso leadership said they have noted the latest development at NSFAF regarding the suspension of Ngiwete as the CEO.

Taapopi, who spoke on behalf of students, said their concern and interest remain vested with the students accessing funding and the functionally of the institution to continue providing funding solutions that will ensure that poor, deserving and financially disadvantaged students are afforded the opportunity and privilege to access and pursue higher education.

While the board has in the interim appointed an acting CEO, Kennedy Kandume, Nanso feels this development comes at a critical time of the academic calendar, when students are preparing for and approaching exams.

“We expect that no students will be disadvantaged academically or barred from entering and writing their exams due to financial delays from the fund. We also expect that students’ accounts, tuition and non-tuition fees will be paid out on time in order to avoid inconveniences,” Taapopi added.

Furthermore, he said Nanso remains organised and committed to advocating students’ rights and interests.
“It is for these reasons that we remain vested, vigilant and observant on matters and developments concerning students within the education system,” he noted.

Mutumba said having considered the seriousness of the allegations, the seniority of the accused person in the institution and in keeping with their fiduciary duties, the board members of NSFAF at a special board meeting held on April 9 2018, in accordance with the powers vested in them in terms of Section 10 of the NSFAF Act, No. 26 of 2000 as amended, unanimously resolved (Resolution No. 01 09/04/2018) to suspend Nghiwete as NSFAF CEO.

He said the effect of this is essentially that the suspended CEO shall refrain from acting or posturing to act in any way that creates an impression that she remains an agent of NSFAF.

Further, he added that any member of the public, natural or juristic, that enters into any transaction with the suspended CEO on the premise that she represents NSFAF, does so at own peril.