
Team Namibia aims for gold …as the athletes departs for Rio de Janeiro

Home National Team Namibia aims for gold …as the athletes departs for Rio de Janeiro
Team Namibia aims for gold  …as the athletes departs for Rio de Janeiro

A group of four athletes that will represent Namibia at the 2023 World School Sport Games, made their intentions clear yesterday that they would like to bring home the gold medals when the competition ends.
The four athletes are Lodewikus L’wyk Viljoen, Liezel Munyaza, Manyima Lazarus, and Alexandra Scheepers. They will compete in long jump, athletics, and shot put from 19-27 August in Rio de Janeiro. The team was selected at the national athletics championships held in the capital.
Namibia Schools Sport Union acting coordinator Rodger Kambatuku said due to financial constraints, they are only able to take four athletes.
Speaking at the send-off ceremony yesterday, Lazarus, who will compete in the 5 000, 1 500, and 800 metres, said it’s his first time travelling out of the country, and he is not sure what to expect. However, he is ready to proudly represent his country and, most importantly, to win a medal.
“I know the competition is going to be tough. I assume that every athlete participating in this competition is ready and has put in enough time to ensure victory. I am going to give it my all, I have made enough preparations, and I believe winning a medal is possible,” he said.
Shot-putter Viljoen said he was eagerly anticipating the competition and that his main aim was to perform well.
“I think we have a great team here, and all my compatriots look ready. That alone is motivating. I am ready too, and one thing I desire at the end of the competition is to hopefully bring home a medal,” he said.
Minister of Sport, Youth, and National Service Agnes Tjongarero urged the athletes to go out there and represent the country with pride.
“Go and focus on yourselves and performing well; that is the most important thing.
I hope you all do well and put your country on the map. While achieving medals won’t be easy, I believe you all will make us proud,” she said.