
‘Raped’ by father: A daughter’s worst nightmare

Home National ‘Raped’ by father: A daughter’s worst nightmare
‘Raped’ by father:  A daughter’s worst nightmare

The complainant in the rape and incest trial of her father, ex-parliamentarian Steve Biko Booys, started her testimony in the Windhoek Regional Court on Tuesday before Regional Magistrate Esme Molefe.

Booys, a former Okahandja regional
councillor and ex-National Council member, is accused of raping his biological daughter twice at Okahandja on 16 and 17 January 2021. 

She was aged 20 at the time. 

The young woman, now 22, told the court that on 16 January 2021, she decided to overnight at her father’s house, as she was afraid of her uncle, who had threatened her. 

When she reached his house, she found another young woman there, who introduced herself as Destiny, the child of the accused’s best friend.  She further said her father drove off – and that when he returned, he had a bottle of Vodka and eight beers with him. 

Although she was reluctant to drink with her father, the woman, who may not be named to protect her identity, said ‘Biko’ – as she called him throughout her testimony – allegedly said to her: “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”.

She said Destiny also reassured her by saying nobody would “snitch”.  She continued that Biko, who referred to himself as the ‘shot master’, then instructed her to get shot glasses from the cupboard, a request she heeded – after which he then poured shots of Vodka. 

The complainant does not know how many shots or beer she drank, but that she at some stage became “wasted [drunk]” and said that Destiny too became very drunk and went to sleep. 

After Destiny went to sleep, Booys said they should go get more beers, but she refused, as she could barely walk by herself. 

It was after her refusal that her father told her “not to be a party pooper”. 

She then agreed and he half-carried her to the car, as she was unable to walk by herself. 

They then drove to a house, where they picked up a person, whom she identified as Sedrick, a bar owner, and they then proceeded to the bar. 

While at the bar, she slipped on the floor and twisted her ankle. Sedrick then carried her to the car and placed her in the passenger seat. 

While they were there, she said, Sedrick started kissing and fondling her, but the accused came from the bar and called Sedrick back. 

After a while, she said, both men returned, and that they dropped Sedrick off and proceeded to Booys’ house. 

At his house, they were on the sofa, listening to music, when the accused put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.

She thought he wanted a hug, so she hugged him and told him, “I love you, daddy” – to which he allegedly retorted, “I love you too”. 

After that, she said, Booys went to his bedroom to get some ointment for her ankle, but he returned shortly, telling her to come to his bedroom and bring some beers with her. 

“I managed to hobble to his room with the beers and sat on the edge of his bed,” she recounted. 



At this stage in her testimony, the complainant broke down in tears, and the magistrate stopped the proceedings for her to recover. 

After gaining composure, she continued that while sitting on the bed, her father started to rub ointment on her ankle. 

“I remember my ankle on the bed and him rubbing ointment on it, and the next moment he was on top of me, kissing me and touching me all over,” she stated. 

“His knee was between my legs, forcing my legs open. I did not believe what was happening. It just did not make sense.” 

“I tried to push him off, but I could not.” 

According to her, the accused was not violent, but he was firm. 



The complainant continued narrating her
ordeal, saying she does not recall when exactly her father took off her pants, but she felt him inside her. 

“I felt bad, and I just looked up at the ceiling and focused on the patterns in the ceiling,” she narrated and continued: “He kept going and going while spanking me on my thighs. He called me a b*tch and asked if liked it, and whether I wanted it rough – and he turned me around while continuously spanking me.” 

She said after he finished, she asked if she could go back to the sitting room, but he refused, instead telling her to just sleep next to him, but she could not sleep.  At this stage in her testimony, the complainant was crying uncontrollably again, and the magistrate remanded the matter to today. The former councillor is facing four charges – two counts of rape and incest. Booys is currently being detained at the Seeis police station.  He is represented by former prosecutor Marthino Olivier. – rrouth@nepc.com.na