
Farmers Meat Market officially re-opened

Home National Farmers Meat Market officially re-opened
Farmers Meat Market officially re-opened

The resumption of operations at the Farmers Meat Market in October 2022 was officially marked on 3 August 2023, when the abattoir hosted an event to formally re-open.

A subsidiary of the Hartlief Group, as part of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, Farmers Meat Market received a N$3 million investment for its reopening as well as a N$40 million investment as working capital. 

Delivering the keynote address at the reopening, agriculture minister Calle Schlettwein emphasised the importance of unlocking the economic potential of the country’s agricultural sector.  “We fully acknowledge the importance of the agriculture sector in addressing food and nutrition security as well as decent livelihoods. Our collective policy and strategic interventions over the years have gradually shifted our country from being an exporter of live animals to becoming an exporter of value-added agricultural goods and Farmers Meat Market plays a big part in this collective effort,” said Schlettwein. 

“[Farmers Meat Market] has invested in value addition activities that will transform our economic structure, moving away from dependence on the trade of raw materials towards trading in finished products. This is growth-at-home at its best and needs to be replicated in various economic sectors,” said Schlettwein.He added that with the re-opening of the facility, sheep and other small stock producers are challenged to increase their annual production output to meet throughput requirements and the sturdy domestic and export demand for the products. 

He added that benefits for the local economy and Mariental are significant and emerge through a robust demand for goods and services, local sourcing and other related industries such as logistics and packaging. 

On its part the agriculture ministry renewed its commitment to providing support services such as veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary services in support of operations of this nature and the related supply chains.

 Hardap governor, Salomon April, explained the commitment the region in creating employment opportunities and enhancing infrastructure despite challenges such as financing for commercial farmers. 

He further stressed the need for public-private sector collaboration. “We have a vast pool of employable individuals within our working-age population, which presents an advantage for industries looking to establish a presence here,” said April. 

Also speaking at the re-opening was O&L Group CEO and chairman of the Hartlief Group, Wessie van der Westhuizen, who focused on themes of sustainable development, technological advancement, and inclusive growth. Said Van der Westhuizen: “The reopening of Farmers Meat Market in October 2022 has already made a remarkable impact. As the biggest sheep abattoir in Namibia and the only approved exporter of sheep meat in the country, we have paid over N$75 million to sheep producers between October 2022 and June 2023. This showcases our commitment to supporting local farmers and fostering economic development within our communities”. 

“Our ambitions for Farmers Meat Market are substantial. For the 2023 calendar year, we plan to process 55 000 sheep. Looking ahead, in 2024, we aim to handle between 100 000 and 170 000 sheep, which will require further investment. By 2025, we envision reaching full production capacity, processing 280 000 sheep.

“This will necessitate additional investments which we are only too willing to make. Hence, the abattoir will be temporarily shut down from 7 August to 4 September 2023 to allow for significant maintenance, improvements, upgrades and investment to the plant,” Van der Westhuizen added.