Unam reduces registration fees, extends deadline

Home National Unam reduces registration fees, extends deadline
Unam reduces registration fees, extends deadline

The executive management of the University of Namibia has resolved to reduce the registration fees for non-funded students.

Unam spokesperson Simon Namesho told New Era that the registration fees were reduced for non-funded, qualified students. The decision is only valid for the 2024 academic year.

Non-funded Namibian students will now pay N$2 575 for registration. 

“All Namibian and international students, including those who have already registered for the 2024 academic year, must enter a written payment plan with the university at all its finance offices for the remainder of the other fees payable, inclusive of outstanding debts,” he added.

Namesho indicated that proof of registration will be accessible once the payment plan has been agreed upon. 

The payment plan arrangements started on Monday, after it was extended. Registration was also extended from 9 February to 16 February 2024. 

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) stated that self-funded students who have settled all outstanding debts, are to register without paying a deposit.  In contrast, self-funded first-time students may pay a minimal deposit to register.

“Students with outstanding debt are to reduce such debt to N$10 000 or less, and will then be permitted to register without paying a deposit,” Nust said.

Furthermore, students possessing a Provisional Award Letter from the Namibia Students Financial Assistance (NSFAF) are to register without making any initial payments.

Students are thus encouraged to make monthly payments to clear their outstanding debts by June this year, while orphans and marginalised students are encouraged to consult with the office of the director.

At the International University of Management, spokesperson Gerry Munyama said students with award letters from the NSFAF are free to register, as their fees will be paid. “We have extended our registration dateline until 14 February, which is now costing N$2 200,” he added.

Munyama clarified that for non-funded students, the registration fee is compulsory.  
