
Opinion – Empowering Namibia’s youth for a digital renaissance

Home National Opinion – Empowering Namibia’s youth for a digital renaissance
Opinion –  Empowering Namibia’s youth for a digital renaissance

Leonard Kabossa 

IN the rhythmic pulse of the global digital era, Namibia holds within its vast landscapes and resilient communities an untapped well of potential. As we stand on the precipice of the 2024 elections, I find myself compelled to echo the dreams and aspirations of countless Namibian youths, yearning for a future that transcends the limitations imposed by a lack of resources. 

In the heart of our nation, a generation teems with ambition and qualifications, but their potential remains largely unrealised due to the stark realities of limited opportunities. The consequence of this imbalance is not merely economic; it reverberates through the collective psyche of our youth, plunging many into the depths of depression and, in desperate escapism, the clutches of substance abuse. This impassioned plea is an earnest call to our future leaders, urging them to champion a cause that lies at the core of a vibrant and progressive Namibia: the holistic development of our youth. It is in the crucible of adversity that diamonds are formed, and the youth of Namibia are no exception. In the upcoming era, let us invest in their cognitive and emotional well-being, unlocking the potential that lies dormant in the most vulnerable corners of our beautiful land. Our gratitude goes to the First Lady Monica Geingos for her visionary leadership in establishing the BeFree Youth Centre in Katutura. 

This haven of hope is not merely a structure of bricks and mortar; it is a testament to the resilience of the Namibian spirit. With social workers and psychologists, the centre offers a lifeline to those drowning in depression, providing them a compass to navigate towards a brighter future. 

The clarion call for change extends beyond the confines of Katutura. It resonates in every corner of Namibia, from the bustling streets of Windhoek to the serene landscapes of the Zambezi region. In the digital age, technology is the catalyst for transformation. 

Our plea to the future president is not just about addressing the symptoms but also about fostering an environment where the youth can harness the power of technology to shape their destinies. 

Picture a Namibia where every young mind is a digital pioneer, where the convergence of passion and technological prowess propels our nation into a new frontier of economic prosperity. Let our next leader be the architect of programmes that empower the youth to create opportunities, not only for personal growth but as contributors to the burgeoning economy of our beloved Namibia. In this journey towards progress, let us not forget the rallying words of President Hage Geingob, who proclaimed: “No Namibian should be left behind in this Namibian house that we are building.” As we wish him a speedy recovery, let us carry this torch forward, turning his vision into a resounding reality. 

The dream we nurture is one where Namibians, irrespective of their backgrounds, become architects of wisdom, pillars of wealth, and champions of stability. We envision a tapestry where the hues of prosperity overshadow the shadows of poverty, and the symphony of destruction gives way to the harmonious melodies of nation-building. In the dusty streets of Katutura, where the echoes of resilience harmonise with the laughter of children, lies the soul of Namibia’s future. As we navigate this path of transformation, let us be guided by the belief that every broken inspiration can be mended, and every desolate alley can be illuminated by the light of opportunity. 

The time for change is now, and it starts with an unwavering commitment to our youth. Let us create an environment where their dreams are not just seen but realised, where their potential is not stifled but celebrated. 

Our plea is not just an appeal for sympathy but also a call to the next president to be the architect of a Namibia that is not just prosperous but compassionate, not just advanced but inclusive. In this dance with destiny, let Namibia emerge not just as a beacon of hope but also a testament to what a united, empowered, and technologically savvy youth can achieve. Our journey into the future is an odyssey of transformation, and as we unfurl the sails of progress, let the winds of change carry us towards a Namibia where no one is left behind. 

* Leonard Kabossa Ndjoze is a dynamic creative and content virtuoso, seamlessly weaves narratives as a producer, writer, and presenter.