
Vetkoek fracas gets worker fired  …‘rich’ boss threatens journalist

Home National Vetkoek fracas gets worker fired  …‘rich’ boss threatens journalist
Vetkoek fracas gets worker fired  …‘rich’ boss threatens journalist

OSHIFO – An Oshifo Shell Service Station worker was allegedly assaulted and fired for failing to fry vetkoek.

Magdalena Muundjwa, a 27-year-old cook was allegedly punched by her boss on 12 July 2023 and later dismissed when the owner, Tobias Handunge, came to the service station during the night and asked her why she did not cook vetkoek.

“He then punched me on the ear. He asked me what my responsibility was,” she narrated.

She claimed that it was not her fault because when she started her night shift, all vetkoek were sold. 

“I went to the hospital to seek medical treatment because I was swollen,” she said.

Muundjwa said she then notified a journalist about being punched by the boss.

“On Tuesday, I went to work. He told me I should go back home. He said I should go work at the media house where I reported him,” she narrated.

Muundjwa said she is now home after losing her job for reporting her boss to the journalist.

Approached for a comment, the service station owner said he did not punch Muundjwa.

“She is accusing me. Muundjwa is mentally ill.  She is not okay in the head,” he said.

He stressed that the day he went to the service station, he asked Muundjwa about her responsibility when he did not find vetkoek in the shop. 

Meanwhile, when this journalist asked him to comment on this matter, he threatened to take the journalist to court if the story gets published.

“I have all the money, I am rich. I am a millionaire. I will take you to the High Court because I can afford a good lawyer,” he threated.

He added that he would stop selling New Era at his service station if the story gets published.

A security guard who was on duty that day, said he was outside at the time of the incident. 

“Muundjwa came to me saying she was punched by the boss and she was swollen,” he said.

Another employee at the service station said she heard people talking at work about Muundjwa being punched by their boss.  

Approached for comment, labour ministry spokesperson Maria Hedimbi advised the victim to lodge an official complaint at their office in Outapi in terms of unfair dismissal for possible conciliation or arbitration.

She added that with regards to her being beaten by her boss, she may lodge a case with the Namibian Police.

“Employers and employees should develop a working relationship that is built on mutual respect and avoid resorting to violence or harassment as there is no amount of conflict that can justify such actions,” she urged.
