‘Physical, sexual and emotional abuse was rife in my heyday’

Home Youth Corner ‘Physical, sexual and emotional abuse was rife in my heyday’

Popya with Josy Nghipandua

Pinehas Nakaziko

Josy Ndilimeke Saviour Nghipandua, 27, is a very passionate woman when it comes to the art of speech, hence her work on radio, television, in debating circuits and as a professional master of ceremonies.

Born in Windhoek, Nghipandua spent most of her early years in Swakopmund. After her mom passed away in 2000, she moved back to Windhoek to live with her aunt. “Due to unforeseen circumstances, I ended up having to go on my own in 2006, and have been financially and emotionally responsible for myself since then,” says Nghipandua, adding that when parents assign the wrong people to look after a young person when they die, that child is subjected to a whole lot of things that a child should not experience.

She says physical, sexual and emotional abuse was rife in her primary childhood. “But because my mother raised me to be a queen, failure was never an option in my life. It could be a teaching mechanism, it could be a stepping stone, but never the norm. I have been through a whole lot in my life, too much actually, but because I have always been honest about where I come from and where I wanted to end up, it was always easy for me to deal with whatever obstacle was in front of me,” explains Nghipandua.

A student recruitment and operations officer at the University of Namibia (Unam) she also multiples up as a corporate master of ceremonies, radio and television freelance presenter, and a public speaking and presentation trainer.

“My career can’t be narrowed down to one thing. Honestly, I made the decision, a very long time ago, to just follow my heart and feed my soul. That is what guides me regarding any and every career choice I make,” she says.
She adds that what has always been a motivation for her to push for success was hunger, homelessness, loneliness and being financial insecure. “I remember the sadness, the shame, the pain, and I also remember promising myself that I would never allow myself to go back there again. And so when I start becoming lazy, when I start procrastinating, when I start becoming arrogant or start to lack humility, I remember those things that I went through.”

Nghipandua attended Martti Ahtisaari Primary School in the capital, West Side High School in Swakopmund and when she moved back to the capital, Grade 12 at Jan Mohr Secondary School. She obtained a B-Juris (Law) degree from the University of Namibia and she is currently pursuing her LLB Honours.

In primary school she was always the over-achiever, winning many accolades. “At university I managed to sweep a few institutional debating prizes. However, my biggest pride in terms of achievements as a student at Unam was when my good friend, Ndjodi Ndeunyema, and I were awarded silver medals at the African Human Rights Moot Court Competition in Mozambique in 2012.” Professionally, Nghipandua started off as a daily radio presenter at the Namibia
Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) Afrikaans radio, now Hartklop FM, Unam radio, Fresh FM and Energy 100 FM.  “I really debuted into the corporate world as a professional speaker and an MC when I hosted the Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) in 2014 alongside Ashwyn Mberi. That was really when people got to know and see who I am and what it is I am capable of.”

Looking back on her life, the death of her mother was one of the most heartbreaking things to have ever happened to her, but also, it was the catalyst that put her on the path she is on today. Her future plans are to own and run her own media school one day. “I also want to act in at least one local play or movie and write a book or two.”

Her message to the dejected youth of today: “We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”