
OPINION – 2023 Census vehicle inspections underway countrywide 

Home National OPINION – 2023 Census vehicle inspections underway countrywide 
OPINION  –  2023 Census vehicle inspections underway countrywide 

By now, we can safely assume that most people in Namibia are aware that there will be a census this year.  The nation has also been informed of when the census enumeration takes place, namely from 18 September until 3 November 2023. 

It is also critically important that the nation knows why a census takes place and why it is important for everyone to be counted. 

In short, the census is a legal requirement to ensure that Namibia has statistics that are fit for planning and monitoring purposes. 

Namibia’s last census was conducted in 2011, and you will all agree with NSA that updated demographic statistics are needed. 

Why should you take part in the census? It is simple; you matter and your taking part ensures that Namibia has accurate statistics for development.  Over the past few weeks, the NSA has been informing the nation that it will make use of vehicles owned by individuals for the required transportation services of the census. 

These vehicles will be obtained and allocated on a constituency basis, and vehicles will be driven by owners or drivers who have been assigned by the owners of such vehicles. 

Over the past month, Namibians who are willing to avail their vehicles for the census exercise have been flocking to constituency offices to register their vehicles.  The due date for registration has closed, and the NSA appreciates the efforts of our regional councils and constituency offices that ensured all went smoothly. NSA also appreciates those who showed interest in availing their vehicles for this national exercise.  The NSA would now like to inform the nation that it is calling upon all those that registered their vehicles to now bring them for inspections.  The inspections started in the Khomas region on 6 July 2023 and will be completed on 21 July 2023. The inspections will be held throughout the country at all constituency offices region, and we urge all those who had registered their vehicles for this purpose to bring forth their vehicles for inspections.  The inspections will be done by the NSA as well as staff from the government garage. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure the vehicles that have been registered indeed meet the specifications as required. 

A detailed list of which constituency offices will be visited when available on www.nsa.org.na under opportunities, and it is also widely circulated to regional councils as well as various media platforms. NSA would like to urge the entire nation to rally behind the 2023 population and housing census, as the time has come for us to know how many people are in Namibia, what their living and housing conditions are – and simply to provide statistics that can be used by planners, business people, students, leaders and others to ensure that planning and monitoring take place with the most up-to-date statistics. NSA offices countrywide are available for more information as we progress to the eventual full enumeration of all dwelling units in Namibia.  Do not be left out; play your part and be counted.

*Iipumbu Sakaria is the manager of corporate communications at the Namibia Statistics Agency.