
Help pours in for destitute Swakopmund family

Home National Help pours in for destitute Swakopmund family
Help pours in for destitute Swakopmund family

SWAKOPMUND – Swakopmund residents demonstrated the true essence of ubuntu over the weekend as they stepped in to help a distressed family residing in a makeshift structure without a roof in the DRC informal settlement.

This good-natured response comes in the wake of a viral video which circulated on social media, exposing the dire living conditions of two young children residing in the roofless structure. The family, consisting of six members, found themselves in this unfortunate situation as they were unable to afford proper housing due to financial hardships.

Narrating their difficult circumstances, mother Gebhardine Kaira said yesterday that life became exceedingly challenging for their family when she had to resign from her waitressing job due to her age. Moreover, her husband faced difficulties in finding stable employment, resorting to odd jobs in town to sustain their family.

“We initially had our own home in Tulinawa, Mondesa, but the situation became extremely difficult for us as we faced a lack of stable income, ultimately resulting in the loss of our home,” she stated.

The accumulation of municipal bills also became overwhelming, leaving them no choice but to sell their house in order to settle the debts. Consequently, the family had to relocate to the DRC informal settlement, where they resorted to renting shacks in order to have a roof over their heads.

“In the end, we couldn’t even afford it as I was working as a temporary domestic worker, which barely covered our basic needs,” Kaira said from her humble home.

Out of desperation, she then approached the municipality, and was fortunate enough to be granted a plot.

“That is how we started building our makeshift home. We also had no choice but to sleep in it as we were scared that our belongings would be stolen,” she continued.

Her distress took a turn towards compassion when two municipal employees discovered her children alone in the makeshift shack. Recognising the dire situation, these employees decided to record a video with the hope of seeking assistance for the family. They shared the video with their employer, and also posted it on social media in the hope of garnering support for the family.

“That was indeed a blessing in disguise, as the video touched so many people’s hearts who have been generous to us,” a thankful Kaira said.

As a result of the video, five business owners from the Smart Guy Social Club responded positively. They constructed a two-bedroom shack for the family.

Additionally, the municipality offered a tent to serve as temporary shelter. The community then rallied together, showing immense generosity by donating essential items such as a mobile toilet, a gas cylinder, food supplies, beds and blankets.

Swakopmund municipality spokesperson Linda Mupupa said the gender equality ministry was also notified of the family’s situation, and are now looking into it.

“We have already taken measures to assist them,” stated a representative. “In addition to providing them with food packages to sustain themselves temporarily, we are actively seeking a more permanent solution for the family. Our goal is to ensure their well-being and improve their living conditions.” she added.

She also pointed out the importance of alerting relevant stakeholders and the municipality in such cases, as resources can be pulled together and assist those in dire need.

“If you happen to come across such families, please alert us so that we can see how to assist,” Mupupa appealed.

– edeklerk@nepc.com.na