SACJF annual forum to be held in Tanzania

Home National SACJF annual forum to be held in Tanzania
SACJF annual forum to be held in Tanzania

The Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum (SACJF) has agreed to host the next forum meeting in Arusha, Tanzania from 23-28 October this year.

Namibia’s Chief Justice Peter Shivute on Saturday highlighted the importance of the forum at the
SACJF management committee meeting in Windhoek.

“This forum brings us together to discuss matters of common interest that are aimed at bettering our judiciaries,” he noted.

He said Chief Justices must meet from time to time to share ideas and experiences on how to strengthen the rule of law, and discuss scientific topics which are current to the challenges that SACJF faces as a regional body.

Shivute extended his gratitude to the Chief Justice of Tanzania, Ibrahim Juma, and the Government of Tanzania for agreeing to host the upcoming forum meeting there, adding that he looks forward to attending it.

It will be attended by the Chief Justices from member states of the forum, which include Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and senior judges from the southern and eastern African regions.

Chief Justice of Mozambique Adelino Muchanga was also present at the management committee meeting.

SACJF was established in 2003 in recognition and amplification of the important role that judiciaries
play within the southern African region.

– Nampa