
Short Story – The Shot

Home Youth Corner Short Story – The Shot
Short Story – The Shot

The lights go off as the clock strikes 10 pm. My cell darkens almost immediately with just a sliver of moonlight peeking through the hole that marks as a window.

I see the cigarette fumes playing over the starry night and then dissipating in the air. There is a somewhat silence that streams through the darkened cells and I’m in favour of it. 

My body remains taunt and wired as it prepares for a fighting countdown. And then I feel him. Waiting. Always waiting for the past year. But he never comes. Except for tonight. 

I hear him before I see him; a whirlwind of emotions that strikes a deadly path wherever he goes. 

His knife as it crisscrosses against the bars makes a helluva noise. I hear his thick boots as they stomp toward my cell. 

The sounds are eerie with a mixture of an anticipated bloody end. I turn my head readying myself for the intro.

He stops a few yards from my cell door, large and looming with something deadly. 

The air cranks up with the hate we feel for each other. I see it in his eyes as they wish me dead. 

Crushing the cigarette in my hands I jump down from the bed. 

I look at him as he grabs the bars and then shakes them. I give him a nod as I place my Okapi over my heart. 

I have accepted his intro. Then he raises his hand and the light glitters off a key. 

I watch as the gates spring open and he comes in smiling widely. 

The knife in his hands is big and deadly looking but my Okapi is much more meaner. 

He strikes first fast and smooth and raw. Anger burns in his thrusts as he aims at me but I back up with much more deadly strikes. 

I have never been a master of failure and that clock won’t start ticking now. 

I aim at his arms slicing through the veins, rendering him feeble to strike back. 

The knife falls from his hands hitting the floor and I strike. I see the abyss in his eyes that will soon grasp his soul and I smile smugly as I swipe against him. 

My Okapi neatly goes through his neck. It’s the perfect shot.