
UPM’s money fight reaches court

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UPM’s money fight reaches court

The infighting within the United People’s Party (UPM) has resulted in the party’s secretary general taking the president and other members to court over allegations of misappropriation of funds and other unlawful conduct.

In documents filed with the Windhoek High Court, UPM’s secretary general and member of Parliament, Celeste Becker is claiming that the party president Jan van Wyk, alongside the secretary of information, Francis Huish, the management committee with the assistance of Frans Bertolini, who is the signatory to the party’s bank account, have been unlawfully spending party funds.

“These funds are state funds, entrusted to the UPM through the National Assembly seats under the registered alliance with the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM),” said Becker in court documents.

Becker further claims Van Wyk has taken it upon himself to “unlawfully” relieve some of the party members from their duties. This includes Becker herself, the chairperson, the deputy secretary general, and the national treasurer. On 6 March, Huish was nominated to take up the position of acting secretary general, which he is not eligible for, according to Becker. 

She said this was all done without the approval of the central committee which has not conducted any meeting since the elective central committee meeting in May 2022.

According to Becker, on 6 March, the management committee held a meeting, which took place unlawfully. 

She said Van Wyk in his capacity as party president hosted a press conference where he informed the public that the party is experiencing “financial and administrative mismanagement” as a result of his action. 

“The first, second, third, and fourth respondents have unlawfully, maliciously, and constructively breached the code of conduct of elected UPM office bearers causing disrepute of UPM, which still persists,” said Becker.

She is thus seeking an order declaring Van Wyk’s actions unconstitutional and setting aside his actions until the case is finalised. 

She also wants the court to interdict the group from using party funds in defending the suit. 

Becker wants the court to state that Van Wyk, Huish and the management committee are not eligible to stand in any elective nomination in the ranks of UPM, its organs and its affiliated groups and parties.

She also wants all funds spent on “illegal” engagements since 28 February by Van Wyk, Huish and the management committee, returned to the party. 

Van Wyk, Huish and the management committee have all indicated their intent to oppose the application. 

The case is before judge Collins Parker.

– mamakali@nepc.com.na