
Visiting PMs laud green hydrogen plans

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Visiting PMs laud green hydrogen plans

Two visiting European prime ministers anticipate Namibia will become a major player in the production and supply of green hydrogen, as enormous amounts of green hydrogen would be needed for the energy transition of those countries.

Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen and Netherlands’ Mark Rutte yesterday met President Hage Geingob at State House on a one-day joint working visit. 

Rutte stated his country’s dedication to collaborating with Namibia in the energy sector, while Frederiksen highlighted the potential of the partnership to address unemployment in Namibia.

The European Union is working to reduce its dependence on Russian energy.

Last month, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy agreed on a deal with the government of Namibia for the next phase of a US$10 billion green hydrogen project that will be exported to Europe once complete. 

The plant, to be built in phases, will eventually produce two million tonnes of green ammonia a year for regional and global markets when it reaches full-scale output, which is anticipated before 2030.



In November 2022 at COP27, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and President Geingob signed a memorandum of understanding on the EU-Namibia Partnership on Sustainable Raw Materials and Renewable Hydrogen. 

This partnership will support both the EU and Namibia’s climate ambitions, and bring value addition to the local economy. 

Green hydrogen is made using renewable energy, does not cause harmful emissions and can be produced in various ways.

Rutte commended Namibia for its big green hydrogen project, saying it is not just political talk but rather a practical and tangible project.

The Dutch premier said he is here to seek equal cooperation in the production and supply of green hydrogen. 

“Namibia can become a very big player,” he said. 

According to the prime minister, cooperation between the Netherlands and Namibia could result in a win-win situation. “We need each other,” Rutte said.

Yesterday, Frederiksen said Namibia will be treated as an equal partner, as countries are flocking here for a share of the green hydrogen pie. 

Frederiksen has stressed the importance of fostering equal partnerships between the European Union and Africa. 

During a briefing with President Geingob at State House, she expressed urgency in their green transition ambitions in line with the European climate change ambitions to secure jobs for generations to come. 

“This is one of the most difficult challenges in our society. If you have too many young people without knowing what to do and they are maybe educated, that could be the most difficult one because they have skills but we don’t bring job opportunities to put their skills to good use; we have a big problem,” she said.

She also said it is high time that African and European countries sorted out how to embark on a stable future for the youth.  

Asked about Africa’s representation in United Nations bodies, she said, “It is time to elevate African affairs by having permanent African membership on the United Nations Security Council and strengthening the relationship between the African Union and the European Union”.

“We need a discussion on Africa’s representation in United Nations Security Council. The African perspective on this should be listened to,” she said. 

On his part, president Geingob said Namibia is proud to receive two prime ministers during one visit.

He, however, lamented Namibia’s classification as an upper-middle-income country.

“Sometimes, good governance is being punished,” he said. 

“But people don’t eat good governance.”

The visit, according to Geingob, strengthens negotiation on global challenges and opportunities, and it widens and deepens coordinated and genuine partnerships between the three countries and their people.

Namibia looks forward to working with Denmark, whose strategy pushes for the production and use of green hydrogen in sectors like shipping and aviation, as well as heavy transport and industry.


Namibia has signed a visa waiver agreement with the Netherlands to smoothen the travelling of diplomatic and official passport holders between the two countries.

“This agreement is at an infancy level, and we are still working on the conditions to make the travelling process easy for the diplomatic and official passport holders in the two countries,” said Rutte.

The duo will visit South Africa today.

The visit will also solidify South Africa’s relationship with Denmark and the Netherlands in the areas of green hydrogen, renewable energy and just energy transition.

It is expected that South Africa and the Netherlands will sign an agreement on cooperation on green hydrogen.

Caption (Visit): Joint visit… Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen and Netherlands’ Mark Rutte yesterday met President Hage Geingob at State House on a joint working visit. 

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