
Opinion – Graduates, students should embrace change

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Opinion –  Graduates, students should embrace change

Daniel Sampayo

Dear graduates and students in colleges, in a world that continues to evolve, it is crucial that we break free from the shackles of resistance and embrace change. 

As author Ayn Rand once said, “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” It is time to let go of the old ways of doing things and explore new pathways towards success. This article aims to shed light on the negative impact of resisting change and inspire you to take control of your future.

If you find yourself as a graduate on the streets, unemployed and tirelessly searching for a job, it’s time to broaden your horizons. Instead of solely relying on traditional job searches, invest your time and energy into seeking opportunities beyond the conventional path. As graduates, we possess the knowledge and capabilities to carve out our own destinies.

Many of us have convinced ourselves that our country lacks opportunities for success. However, we often overlook the stories of individuals who have defied the odds and achieved remarkable things. The global unemployment crisis knows no boundaries, as countries worldwide grapple with this issue. Even countries we often envy, like the United States, face significant employment and economic challenges.

We must stop wishing we were born in different countries and start recognising the opportunities that exist within our own borders. It is essential to acknowledge the resilience and success of individuals, such as Zimbabweans and Angolans, who have thrived in our country despite the prevailing notion of limited opportunities. They have become small-scale entrepreneurs and contribute significantly to our society.

As “educated graduates” we often find ourselves trapped in our comfort zones, waiting for the government to provide us with jobs. We spend months photocopying our resumes, hoping for a breakthrough. While I am not suggesting that you should refrain from applying for jobs or protesting for change, it is crucial to explore alternative paths to combat the unemployment crisis. The dogma of “graduate and get a job” is an outdated mindset that needs to be dismantled. Continuing to follow this path will yield the same disappointing results.

To students in colleges, it is vital to recognise that the landscape has changed. While pursuing your education and preparing for your future career, stay informed about the economy, job market, and business trends. Identify the areas where opportunities are thriving and ensure that your chosen career aligns with those trends. Moreover, be wise with your non-tuition fees. Instead of squandering them, invest in ventures that offer a return on investment over the duration of your course. Train your mind’s eye to see beyond traditional job opportunities.

In closing, it is essential to acknowledge the existence of corruption, greed, bribery, and discrimination in our society. However, rather than complaining and lamenting about these issues, let them be. Embrace the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer – have the courage to change what you can and accept what you cannot change. Make the unemployment crisis a personal problem and find solutions at an individual level. Do not solely rely on those in positions of authority to solve your problems, as they may not know how. Take charge of your life. Remember, information is wealth. Read books, acquire new skills, and improve existing ones. By doing so, you can solve other people’s problems and shape your own destiny. Change your thinking and embrace the realities of today, rather than dwelling on the past.

It is time to step into the driver’s seat and navigate your own path to success.