
Windhoek Schlachterei declared listeriosis free

Home Business Windhoek Schlachterei declared listeriosis free

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Following the recent outbreak of listeriosis in South Africa, Windhoek Schlachterei, which is a member of Namibia Dairies and a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, has confirmed that its machinery and products have undergone tests and are free of the disease.

Head of Windhoek Schlachterei, Eduard Keys: “We herewith confirm that Windhoek Schlachterei products have been cleared of listeriosis and are safe for human consumption. This assurance follows an independent investigation commissioned by Windhoek Schlachterei as soon as health authorities reported the apparent link between the Listeriosis outbreak in South Africa and certain processed meat. With our stringent policies, procedures and standards, we were confident all along that our products are safe, however in light of the current health scare we nevertheless commissioned an independent assessment as our valued consumers’ health remains our top priority and they deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing that our products are safe.”

Keys added that the results received on March 8 confirmed that no Listeria monocytogenes could be detected in any products sampled across the Windhoek Schlachterei product range nor in its production facility, and that all Windhoek Schlachterei products are thus safe to consume.

“We hereby wish to reassure our valued customers and consumers of our continued commitment to upholding the highest standards in food safety and product quality,” Keys concluded.