Ongwediva prioritises development, expansion 

Home National Ongwediva prioritises development, expansion 
Ongwediva prioritises development, expansion 

Max Henrich

ONGWEDIVA – Land delivery, provision of services, infrastructure upgrading and repair constitute a significant portion of the N$39.1 million of Ongwediva’s total budget. The mayor of Ongwediva, Taraah Shalyefu, said the development projects will be undertaken during the 2023/2024 financial year and that the council has prioritised these key development projects as outlined in the council’s five-year strategic plan.

“Land delivery remains the utmost priority for the council, however, planning and township establishment is a prerequisite for land delivery, which, in turn, is a requirement for housing and infrastructure development. A total amount of N$1.3 million has been reserved for land development with another N$5 million budgeted for crop field compensation,” said Shalyefu.

The council’s office is formally putting into effect the subdivision erf 34 Omatando Proper, which will be identified as Omatando Extension 8. The council will also re-plan a block of erven in Extension 2 to rectify the erf boundaries and finalise the planning and township establishment process of both Onawa Extension 1 and Onawa Extension Proper.

A combined total of N$25.6 million has been set aside in the budget to cater for the provision of services infrastructure and public amenities. Construction of stormwater channels at Extension 11 phase two will take up N$2.6 million with the provision of water and sewer reticulation infrastructure at Extension 12 will amount to N$2 million.

Provision of bulk water storage and supply infrastructure for Omatando will cost N$7 million and the installation of high mast lights at Onawa and Okandjengedi settlements will cost N$700 000. Continuation of the provision of electricity reticulation at Sky Phase 3 will cost N$1.3 million. Installation of streetlights will amount to N$3 million for the main road (C46), while N$500 000 will be used for the continuation of streetlights along Ongwe Street.

The development of a park at Extension 11 and the development of a multi-purpose sports field (phase four) will all cost N$8.5 million.

“The availability and access to potable water, street lights, all-weather roads infrastructure and stormwater drainage systems are characteristics of a fully developed township. Several areas in Ongwediva lack such services and amenities, and the need thereof has been amplified by community members during public engagements,” noted Shalyefu.

Infrastructure upgrading and repair of the road between the Oshana regional shopping mall and the David Shikomba business complex will cost N$3.5 million. The construction of a new pump station at the reception area, phase two, will be undertaken to the tune of N$500 000.

During the 2022/2023 financial year, the council held various meetings with street vendors and other stakeholders. A decision was undertaken to construct and commission satellite trading facilities at designated areas around Ongwediva for N$300 000.

The Ongwediva Open Market will be extended and upgraded for N$4.3 million to enhance the image of the facility and cater for additional trading spaces.

A combined total of N$3.3 million has been budgeted for acquiring a vehicle, machinery, tools, ICT equipment and office furniture to enhance an enabling environment within which the council continues to render quality services to business customers.

“The total estimated revenue for 2023/2024 amounts to N$172.3 million and the tariffs shall not be increased for the financial year. I emphasise that our five-year strategic plan, annual work plans and national development plans have been used extensively as a yardstick during the preparation of the budget,” said Shalyefu.