
Nghaamwa blesses northern schools

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Nghaamwa blesses northern schools

ONGWEDIVA – Former governor of the Ohangwena region Usko Nghaamwa said it makes him happy when schools have resources, such as conducive classrooms and hostels. 

He will thus always remain committed to supporting education in Namibia.

Nghaamwa was speaking last week at the renaming ceremony of the Omungwelume Secondary School (SS), which is now named after him.

The Omungwelume SS chose to honour Nghaamwa at the recommendation of the school board, teachers  and parents.

The school benefited from his donations through the building of a hostel for the learners.

By last year, Nghaamwa is said to have donated over N$2.4 million to various schools in the region.

At the renaming ceremony, he further donated N$300 000 to the school, which is now called UN Nghaamwa Secondary School. N$150 000 of the amount is meant for the school bus, and the rest is for the hostel. 

Nghaamwa also donated 20 laptops and 10 printers.

He stressed that he will never stop assisting schools, although many people do not like it.

“I am giving donations to schools because I understand the importance of education. I am doing this to meet the government halfway,” Nghaamwa noted.

He added that it’s very important that every Namibian child has access to education.

It is likewise important that learners have a school bus so that they could travel to the Etosha National Park and the Ruacana Waterfalls as part of their learning.

“This bus can also be used to take the learners to various sports activities,” he enthused.

The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Anna Nghipondoka said in a speech read on her behalf that no school can be successful through government resources alone.

She emphasised that it requires the engagement of every Namibian who has the meaning and capacity to come together to make meaningful contributions to meet the government halfway.

Nghipondoka stated that Nghaamwa is an outstanding leader, a son of the soil who not only has a passion for education, but also diligently and selflessly spearheads community development projects aimed at uplifting the lives of the Namibian people.

“Education is a joint venture that should not be left only in the hands of the government,” she reiterated.

The school is home to 493 learners.



