
Frederick: //Kharas could spearhead sustainable development

Home National Frederick: //Kharas could spearhead sustainable development
Frederick: //Kharas could spearhead sustainable development

KEETMANSHOOP -//Kharas governor, Aletha Frederick says she envisions her region not only as a hub of economic activity, but also as a beacon of sustainable development.

She said with the right support and financing from national government, the region has the power to eradicate poverty, hunger, and unemployment.

Frederick made these remarks during a consultative meeting of the sixth National Development Plan (NDP6) process here on Tuesday.

“Let us commit ourselves to building a future where every individual in the region thrives and prospers. Together, we can turn our dreams into reality and make //Kharas a shining example of sustainable development in Namibia,” said Frederick.

She said empowering local communities to actively participate in and benefit from the resources within the region can create a more equitable society where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

“Achieving this vision requires strong regional leadership working in harmony towards a common goal holding hands and pulling in the same direction in order to improve the livelihoods of all citizens in the region. Let us shape a brighter future for //Kharas, a future where prosperity, sustainability, and inclusivity reign supreme. Together, we can pave the way for a region that not only excels economically but also stands as a model of responsible development for the entire nation,” she said.

Also speaking, executive director of the National Planning Commission, Wilhencia |Uiras said people should understand that the national development plans are not government plans and need contributions from the private sector, civil organisations, churches and other stakeholders to ensure that they are successfully implemented.

“Inclusivity is really central in these plans, this is also a document that everyone should be able to implement regardless of their region, political affiliation and any other differences we might have, let us see it as a national document,” she stressed.

The meeting was attended by regional councillors, local authority councillors, heads of government agencies, church leaders, civil organisation leaders, and farmers among other stakeholders. It was aimed at getting input from the stakeholders towards the NDP6 that is set to be launched in March next year.
