
Energy council members appointed

Home National Energy council members appointed
Energy council members appointed

The newest members of the National Energy Council received their letters of appointment on Wednesday, 7 February, from mines and energy minister, Tom Alweendo. 

They are; John Titus (chairperson – mines ministry), Michael Humavindu (trade ministry), Sem Kadhikwa (works ministry), Helvi Fillipus (finance ministry), Maria Amakali (agriculture ministry), Anna Shatika (National Planning Commission), Zoe Nambahu (Nampower) and Bertus Eksteen (TransNamib). 

The council is tasked with advising the minister on matters concerning the supply of energy as well as the development, exploitation, and utilisation of national energy resources. Also, the council is expected to assist the minister to co-ordinate and rationalise activities connected with Namibia’s energy industry. 

Members of the council are appointed according to the Petroleum Products and Energy Act and are nominated by their respective institutions for appointment by the President. The term of office for council members is for three years, effective 01 February 2024 and ending 31 March 2027.

Handing over the appointment letters, Alweendo called on newly appointed members to execute their functions with accountability. 

“Sometimes, people with the power to change the status quo for the better have good intentions, but are scared of being held accountable. In order to effect change, decisions must be made and those decisions require

Accountability is nothing to fear when you are working for the greater good, particularly in a position like yours, which was created with the aim of assisting and developing the energy sector in Namibia. Don’t undermine yourself or the power vested in you,” said Alweendo.

As per the governing legislation, the functions of the council include making recommendations to the minister regarding the effective and efficient administration of the National Energy Fund (NEF), including approval of NEF funding and its annual budget. The council is also tasked to make recommendations on any amendments to the Petroleum Products and Energy Act or any regulation to be implemented under this Act.