
Always on time

Home National Always on time

Emmency Nuukala, a former photographer at the New Era newspaper, describes the late president Hage Geingob as someone who had the ability to connect with people, and his humanity will be missed. 

“It was an interesting journey that I have worked with him for seven years. What I have learned is that Geingob did not just talk of punctuality; he was always on time. As much as people would disagree with him on certain things, especially if they dragged him on social media, he would listen to it.

“I had the honour to be welcomed at his house and have one-on-one interviews with him. I recall on my birthday when he asked why I was dressed so nicely, he gave me a piece of cake and a tight fatherly hug,” she said.


*Emmency Nuukala is a former New Era photographer