
Go well Omes!

Home Positive Vibes Go well Omes!
Go well Omes!

The entertainment industry was given an opportunity to celebrate the life of departed president Hage Geingob via a tribute concert. To my surprise…there were some quarters of society that were unhappy at the “tone” of the tribute concert. Surprised because…how else was the entertainment industry going to pay tribute? Did we expect the entertainment industry to deliver speeches wearing suits?!

There’s a reason why it’s called the “entertainment industry”. We entertain! Our departed president loved entertainment. He appreciated the entertainment industry for what it is. So naturally, the entertainment industry was going to ENTERTAIN during a tribute concert for a president that loved ENTERTAINMENT.

It’s because of backward people like that, that we still do not have a Grammy Award winner 30 years after independence. It’s because of dom people like that that Namibia still does not have an Oscar 30 years after independence. A mix of stupidity and sheer ignorance is what has been the painful slow progress of what could be a billion-dollar entertainment industry.

Our departed president was one of the most forward-thinking, innovative and open-minded leaders this country has ever experienced. Please do not come with your dom mentality and try to stifle the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry did well by putting on a show that on any other ordinary day, Omes Hage would have enjoyed!

The reality is this though…political willpower to invest and consciously steer the entertainment industry into a global brand is still at an all-time low. This is at a time when the unemployment figures are staggering. What will it take for the political establishment to realise the potential that comes with a fully functioning entertainment industry?

The U.S. Media and Entertainment industry accounts for 6.9% of the total GDP. There were 1.4 million Americans employed in the media and entertainment industry in 2022. The U.S. media and entertainment industry is said to be worth over $717 billion. The political establishment in the U.S. has used the media and entertainment industry to shape a powerful nationalist narrative about America.

Our hope…is that going forward, the next leadership after this year’s general elections will realise this and take a conscious decision to direct all energies towards the entertainment industry of Namibia.

With that said…go well Omes Hage. As the entertainment industry, we love you. It is our deepest hope that your embrace of this industry may have planted a seed for future statesmen/women.

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

Need a voice for your advert or documentary? I’m the guy. No seriously…I am. Contact me and I will forward you samples.