
Over 100 arrested for drug offences 

Home National Over 100 arrested for drug offences 
Over 100 arrested for drug offences 

RUNDU – A total of 101 persons have been arrested on drug-related matters between 1 and 28 February this year.

Ninety-six of them are Namibians, two are Angolans, one is Congolese, one is Nigerian and one is Zimbabwean, the Namibian Police stated this week. 

The confiscated drugs include cannabis weighing 245 630.50kg and valued at over N$2.4 million. Mandrax in the form of 103 tablets worth N$ 12 360 as well as 43 units of crack cocaine (N$4 300), and five-and-a-half grams of cocaine powder worth N$2 750, were also seized. 

On Monday, police in the Kavango West region arrested a 40-year-old truck driver for possession of seven bricks of cannabis with a yet unknown value at the Mururani police checkpoint. 

Kavango West regional police commander, commissioner Julia Sakuwa-Neo told New Era that the man was apprehended during a stop-and-search at the checkpoint.

“The suspect, who is a Namibian male, is in police custody, and is due for court soon,’’ she said.

On Friday, two Angolan men and a Namibian man were arrested at Sigone village in the same region after they were found with cannabis.

“The dagga was kept in a carry bag with a mass of 690 grams. The value is also not yet determined,’’ the commissioner added.

At Werda police checkpoint in the Kunene region, the police arrested a 33-year-old Namibian man suspected of dealing in and possessing illicit goods on Saturday.

Police say the suspect was found in possession of ‘Yes cigarettes’ and Angolan ‘Best Whisky’, with a combined value of N$632 000.

– jmuyamba@nepc.com.na

Caption: (Cannabis) The cannabis which was confiscated at the Mururani police checkpoint.

Photo: Namibian Police