
Zambezi science teachers receive training

Home National Zambezi science teachers receive training
Zambezi science  teachers receive training

KATIMA MULILO – To sharpen the skills of the educators, the Zambezi education directorate organised a training workshop for 80 science teachers in senior secondary schools in the Zambezi region.

The focus subjects are Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics for AS level. The training is sponsored by Risk Based Solutions (RBS) in partnership with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) to the tune of N$150 000. 

This is the second similar training after RBS sponsored another training for science teachers at a cost of about N$80 000 that was conducted last year. 

Speaking during the official opening of the training workshop on Monday, Zambezi regional governor Lawrence Sampofu said the collaboration between the two organisations is highly appreciated, and it will uplift the level of teaching and learning in the region.

“The collaboration between RBS and NUST is spectacular. This shows how our institution of higher learning (NUST) cares for our region and believes that we can do better,” stated Sampofu.

He called on the business community in the Zambezi region and country at large to get on board and assist where they can, as the region still lacks laboratory equipment, library facilities, and textbooks amongst others. 

“RBS has set a good example. Instead of just enjoying the fruits of their company and staying at bay to complain of the failure rate of the region, they continue setting the tone of making education a priority. It is, therefore, our turn to take up these opportunities and utilise them in manners that will bring about change,” said Sampofu.

In his remarks, RBS representative and owner Dr. Sindila Mwiya stated that they extended a helping hand because education is important.

“We have education at the heart of whatever is happening because without education we wouldn’t be able to run what we are running at this moment. We wouldn’t be able to drive the economy, to create society, create families, to create successful businesses,” he said. 

Zambezi education director Josty Kawana said the region was privileged to receive the training. 

He called on the participants “to open up and ask questions where you don’t understand. There is no way you are going to be assisted if you don’t indicate that you need help”.

Zambezi CRO Regina Ndopu-Lubinda echoed the sentiments, adding that last year’s training is already yielding good fruits, as there was a slight improvement in last year’s NSSCO and NSSCAS science subjects. 

“We celebrate teachers who have performed,” she stated.  

The training will conclude today.


*Aron Mushaukwa is an information officer in the MICT in the Zambezi region.