
Widow baffled by husband’s disappearance, death

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Widow baffled by husband’s disappearance, death

Charmaine Boois


MARIENTAL – Even though the police report states that no foul play is suspected, Rebecca Rooi has said her husband’s disappearance does not make
 sense. The 81-year-old Rebecca Rooi’s husband, 87-year-old Hans Rooi, was reported missing for four days before his body was found last week Monday.

According to the police report, a security guard, who was monitoring that area on Monday late in the afternoon, spotted the decomposing body under the Malthahohe bridge. The pensioner allegedly went to a Bank Windhoek ATM at the Shoprite complex that Thursday to withdraw cash, according to the police report.

According to the victim’s wife, he allegedly left his house on Thursday afternoon at around 16h00.

“He said he’s going to the bank to see if there’s money so he can buy something for us to eat,” narrated Rebecca Rooi.

When the family realised Hans had come home, the residents of the Aimablaagte informal settlement joined forces to assist them in organising a search party to find the elderly. 

Rebecca Rooi added that after hearing the news, she went to the bank the following day to see if her late husband had been able to retrieve any money. 

“My husband didn’t need to go in the direction of Malhohohe because he doesn’t have a car, and we don’t have any family or friends who live there. On the day, he was supposed to return home; it was even raining,” said Rebecca.

He was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt, pinkish tekkies and a brown hat on the day he went missing, according to the police report.

The widow asserts that only his keys, ID and bank card were discovered next to her husband’s body, and his hat and cellphone are still missing.

Regional police spokesperson Eric Clay said there is no foul play suspected, but they are still investigating.

Late Hans Rooi was a very quiet man, who kept to himself and only stayed at home, according to his family and friends. Despite his old age, he was still active and cherished his family.

He left his wife and stepdaughter behind.

* Charmaine Boois is a freelance journalist based in the Hardap region.