Editorial – Wishing you a safe Easter weekend

Home Editorial Editorial – Wishing you a safe Easter weekend
Editorial – Wishing you a safe Easter weekend

As Namibians prepare to celebrate Easter, a time of reflection, we extend our warmest wishes for a peaceful and enjoyable weekend to all. 

This season holds significance for many, marked by traditions of faith, family gatherings and sports activities. 

However, amidst the festivities, it is imperative to address a pressing concern that often casts a shadow over this joyous occasion, road safety.

Year after year, our nation witnesses a tragic toll on our roads during holiday periods, and Easter is sadly no exception. The joy of the season can quickly turn into sorrow when accidents occur, claiming precious lives and causing untold suffering to families and communities. The aftermath of road accidents not only leaves physical scars, but also inflicts emotional wounds that may never fully heal. Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, let us also unite in a collective commitment to prioritise safety on our roads. Each of us has a responsibility to ensure that this weekend is marked not by tragedy, but by moments of joy, laughter and togetherness. Whether you are travelling long distances or enjoying local festivities, let caution and consideration guide your actions.

To our fellow Namibians embarking on journeys this Easter weekend, we urge you to exercise patience, vigilance and restraint while behind the wheel. Obey traffic laws, avoid reckless behaviour, and always remain attentive. Remember, a momentary lapse in judgement can have devastating consequences, not only for yourself, but for others sharing the road with you.

Namibian males between 18 and 35 years accounted for the highest number of people involved in crashes, injuries and fatalities during the 2022/2023 period, the Motor-Vehicle Accident Fund recently said.

The fund spends about N$200 million annually on medical expenses only, and has spent around N$72 million on other claims (funeral, loss of income and loss of support) so far this year.

Traffic accidents involving young people not only lead to fatalities, but also impose a significant financial strain on the country. Every collision incurs expenses, in addition to the societal toll of the anguish experienced by those affected and the responsibility of caring for the severely injured, as well as the sorrow and distress endured by families. Additionally, we call upon law- enforcement agencies to intensify efforts to enforce road safety measures, and to hold accountable those who flout the rules. By implementing strict enforcement measures, we can deter dangerous driving practices, and promote a culture of responsibility and accountability on our roads.

Let us also extend a word of gratitude to the emergency responders, medical personnel, and volunteers who stand ready to assist in times of crisis. Their dedication and selflessness embody the spirit of compassion and solidarity that defines our nation. 

As we mark Easter, may we find solace in the bonds of community, the embrace of loved ones, and the promise of hope and renewal. Let us honour the true meaning of this season by cherishing the gift of life, and by safeguarding the well-being of ourselves and others.

We wish all Namibians a peaceful, blessed and safe Easter weekend. May it be a time of joy, reflection and harmony, and may the usual carnage on our roads be kept to an absolute minimum.