
37 years for ‘vengeful’ murderous ex-lover

Home National 37 years for ‘vengeful’ murderous ex-lover

A 27-year-old man, who in a jealous rage stabbed to death his former ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend, was sentenced to serve 37 years imprisonment by the Oshakati High

In sentencing, acting Judge Erich Kesslau said Patrick Shuya Mesho’s actions were premeditated and fuelled by jealousy and spite. Kesslau sentenced Mesho to serve 30 years in prison for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Ronnica Mashale who was 24- years old at the time of her death on 1 February
2017. On the murder of Mashale’s boyfriend, Fredi Jona (31), the court sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment. 

On the charges of assault by threat and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, the court imposed six months and two years imprisonment, respectively. The assault charges are in relation to the attack he carried out on Kemba Elaine and Lafalaza Nalufu.

The court further ordered that the 18 years imposed on the second murder and those imposed on the two counts of assault, will be served concurrently with the custodial sentence imposed on the murder of Mashale. This gives a total of 37 years imprisonment.

“Considering that the crimes were premeditated, committed in the cruellest of manner, and without ‘sacrificing the accused on the altar of deterrence’, I am of the opinion that the accused is a danger to society and that a lengthy custodial sentence is appropriate,” said Kesslau. According to Kesslau, Mesho did not show any remorse for his actions and his version had inconsistencies.

Last year, Kessalu convicted Mesho on two counts of murder, a count of common assault, and assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The incidences occurred in Katima Mulilo.

According to Mesho’s statement, he denied guilt on the basis that, prior to the incident, he was under emotional stress as he had smoked cannabis and consumed traditional homebrew. He claimed that his memory was blank to a point where he has no recollection until after his arrest later that day.

Mesho further said that he and Mashale had a relationship and have been living together in her house. However, when he returned home after being away for some time, he found her in bed with Jona.

He was then informed by Mashale that their relationship was over, and that caused him ‘sadness’. Moments later, he went to a certain bar in the area of the Cowboy compound where he found Mashale and Jona accompanied by a female friend Nalufu.

Mashale left to the back of the bar assumingly to visit the toilet when he followed her and stabbed her all over her body with a knife and returned to the front of the bar and started stabbing Jona on his head and back and seriously injuring him.

Witnesses testified, thereafter, Mesho once again disappeared to the back of the bar and found Mashale lying across the street.

It is indicated that she was wounded, lying face down and gasping for air, but that didn’t stop Mesho from cruelly stabbing her again four times in the back.

Mashale died on the spot.

According to the witnesses, Mesho returned to the bar and started chasing customers who were trying to take Jona to the hospital. While others managed to escape, a certain “Flora” who was carrying a two-year-old child yelled at him, which prompted Mesho to turn on her and lifted the knife at her in a threatening manner, however, he stopped after Flora begged him.

He then again turned to Mashale’s friend and stabbed her with the knife in her shoulder.

Mesho was arrested thereafter.

– mamakali@nepc.com.na