‘Year of reckoning’ is upon us … as Geingob takes on lazy officials

Home Front Page News ‘Year of reckoning’ is upon us … as Geingob takes on lazy officials

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

Windhoek-President Hage Geingob says laziness in the public sector – which includes failure to even acknowledge correspondences received – cannot be tolerated in 2018.

The president, in his new year message, stressed the important responsibility that public servants have in providing quality service to the nation.

The head of state said he was particularly disturbed by persistent reports of correspondence remaining unacknowledged and unanswered by ministries, local authorities and parastatals.

“As public officials, we are not doing our people a favour by working in the public space – we are occupying positions of trust and must act accordingly,” he said in his new year message on Sunday.

Geingob says all ministries and government agencies should strive to include turnaround time and take measures to ensure that service delivery in general is improved.

He said the government would continue its efforts to improve service delivery to its people, especially in rural areas. “We will step up our efforts to find workable solutions to the long-standing issue of land accessibility and affordability,” he said.

He said the government’s objective is to make land available and connect more Namibians to basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity.

“We will continue our road building and maintenance programme as a national priority, to ensure that all parts of Namibia are connected and accessible.”

He said the government also aims to pursue other infrastructure development projects including airports, ports and rail development and upgrades, but this must take place in a transparent and accountable manner.
“It is a time for celebration and a time for hopes and dreams,” he added.

Geingob says the new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings and fresh opportunities.
“As we reflect and ponder on the year that was, let us prepare to embrace a fresh perspective and a renewed outlook, as we navigate our way towards a future which holds wonderful possibilities for growth and advancement.”

“The hands of time move forward, never backward. Let us therefore prepare to move forward. The hands of time are ready to take us into the new year, leaving behind the stress, anxiety, regrets, disappointment, conflicts and setbacks of 2017,” he added.

He said ahead of us lie 12 new chapters and 365 new chances to write a new story –a story of hope, health, success, peace, love and prosperity.