NamPower reaffirms support for disability sport … hands over a N$500 000 cheque

Home National NamPower reaffirms support for disability sport … hands over a N$500 000 cheque
NamPower reaffirms support for disability sport … hands over a N$500 000 cheque

The Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) has once again shown its support for Disability Sport Namibia (DSN), and pledged continued support for the organisation.

In a demonstration of their commitment, NamPower handed over a cheque valued at N$500 000 to DSN during a courtesy visit earlier this week.

During the visit, the Namibia Paralympic Committee (NPC), through DSN, presented NamPower with medals won by T11 400 metre world champion Chris Kinda and his guide Kelvin Goagoseb at the just-ended World Para-Athletics Championships in Kobe, Japan.

Addressing the athletes, NamPower’s managing director Simson Haulofu expressed the organisation’s pride in the achievements of para-athletes and their commitment to supporting DSN.

He said he takes pride in seeing young Namibians representing the nation internationally.

“While in exile, as a young man, I saw people celebrating with their national flags during competitions at a time when we did not have our national colours. 

Seeing young athletes proudly flying our flag internationally makes me proud as an individual, and I will ensure that opportunities are created for young Namibians to represent their country whenever possible,” he said.

Haulofu added that even when he is no longer in office, he will ensure that his successor supports DSN.

He further narrated a story of one of the managing directors who stepped down, and took the successor on a tour of all the facilities. 

“At the end of the tour, the new person was told, ‘Whatever you do, please take care of the pilots who fly all the NamPower planes.’ He never asked why, and we have continued to do so. When my turn comes, I will instruct whoever is taking over to take care of DSN, just like the previous person did. 

DSN will be left in the capable hands of the next successor, as what you do makes us proud as a nation,” Haulofu said.

The N$500 000 handed over by NamPower during the medal presentation ceremony to the DSN will go towards covering the costs of the trip to Japan.

NPC secretary general Michael Hamukwaya expressed his gratitude to NamPower for their unwavering support to DSN. 

He said this type of support makes the athletes’ lives easier ,and allows them to showcase their talent along with the best in the world. 
