
Namuhuja refused bail

Home National Namuhuja refused bail
Namuhuja refused bail

A former Prime Ministers’ personal assistant, who stands accused of sexually molesting a nine-year-old girl, will have to remain in custody following a failed bail application. 

Pendapala Leonard Namuhuja’s (65)’s hopes for freedom were dashed yesterday in Ondangwa Magistrate’s Court, as State prosecutor strongly objected, claiming to hold damning evidence against the accused. 

He was arrested, and made his first court appearance on 2 May this year. 

His case was postponed to 29 May for a formal bail application. 

He has been in court since last Wednesday. 

It is alleged that Namuhuja committed this crime around the month of March, but he was arrested only in May. 

A relative allegedly related to the police that Namuhuja’s wife dropped off the girl at her (relative’s) house because she (wife) was no longer willing to take care of her.

 After Namuhuja’s wife left, it was discovered that the girl was having trouble walking. 

She was then taken to the hospital and eventually to a social worker, to whom she confined the accused raped her. 

She allegedly revealed that Namuhuja was giving her sweets to buy her silence.