Headman appeals for dilapidated school upgrade

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Headman appeals for dilapidated school upgrade

MBURU-URU – Paulus Haingura, the headman of Mburu-uru village in Kavango West, has urged government to renovate and upgrade the two-classroom village school, which is in a state of disrepair, and has not had any renovations or new classrooms since its construction in 1972, despite demands by the local community.

“Our wish is that government prioritises our school as well. We know government has many responsibilities that require money, but we also want to be on the list of government’s key projects. This school has been neglected, other schools that were constructed during the same period have been renovated and improved,’’ the headman said on the sidelines of a donation of a temporary hostel for boys and girls to Mburu-uru Primary School by a beneficiary of government fishing quota, Netagea Investments Pty Ltd.

The corrugated iron sheet structures, which cost N$42 000, was constructed and donated to assist in accommodating pupils who had difficulties with accommodation at the school.Previously they were squeezed in a traditional hut.

The headman said the government should investigate the school’s demands, as a Namibian child should be educated in a good and healthy environment, not the current state of their classes where learners are injured by the damaged floors and broken window panes. 

“We cannot be sidelined because the government is busy with other equally important projects.  This school has not seen any renovations since it was built 52 years ago. It might fall on the children one day,’’ he said.

The pupils are mainly taught in the makeshift structures. 

“And these are only two classrooms, the rest are makeshift structures. The school has about 153 learners, who come from surrounding villages.  Our teachers are unable to provide quality education due to the makeshift classrooms. The corrugated iron sheet structures that have been erected here can only be used when it’s not hot or cold because when it is hot it’s unbearable to be inside the class and when the weather is cold like now in winter, it’s not conducive,’’ the headman stressed.

The school caters for learners from different surrounding villages of Nyondo, Nkambe, Sava, Nkuyumuko, Calikao plus Murere and Nkandi, villages and offers classes from grade one to six.  

The school is located right across the Tondoro constituency office of Joseph Sivaku Sikongo, who is also the chairperson of the Kavango West regional council, under which the directorate of education falls. 
