
Kandjoze rubbishes Amupanda allegations 

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Kandjoze rubbishes Amupanda allegations 

Director general of the National Planning Commission Obeth Kandjoze yesterday claimed allegations made by Affirmative Repositioning activist Job Amupanda, with regard to the green hydrogen project, are unfounded, twisted and manipulated to sensationalise a genuinely competent effort by government.

However, Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on Monday reported that Kandjoze confirmed the allegations as true. But, Kandjoze told this publication that: “NBC twisted my words. I told them I can only recognise few head of negotiating terms in Amupanda’s allegations but I cannot comment further because negotiations are at an infant stage.”

In a statement yesterday, Kandjoze confirmed negotiations are still ongoing with the German partners.  “Given that negotiations are ongoing, the government negotiating team (GNT) is not at liberty to comment on the details of any positions that have been established and or are under development,” said Kandjoze.

Amupanda earlier this week on his social media platforms directed a message to GNT that is negotiating with the German company, Hyphen who won the hydrogen contract. 

“I have all documentation and know what you are about to sell our country. I, therefore, direct you to reverse and withdraw that promise for government to build houses and/or accommodation for German employees in Luderitz,” noted Amupanda. 

He further urged GNT to reverse and withdraw the promise they made to the Germans that there will be no issuance of EPLs and mining rights to anyone for 42 years in coastal areas. 

Amupanda continued asking GNT to reverse and withdraw the promise that parliament will pass a law written by the Germans called the Synthetic Fuels Act. 

The former Windhoek mayor alleged that GNT promised to implement the instructions of the Germans to change the Diamond Act. He further called for GNT to specifically indicate that the 24% government shares will be held by the welwitschia fund.

Kandjoze added the agreement is extremely comprehensive and contains various aspects under consideration including, equity stakes for the government, royalty rates, income tax rates, developer socio economic development obligations, and the establishment of a world first common user infrastructure regime.

The Hyphen project, located in the south currently boasts a capex estimate of more than US$11.5 billion and encompasses the various interdependent assets to be developed. 

Furthermore, the development Kandjoze stated could result in a contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) of US$4.1 billion and could result in employment increasing by 280 000 jobs by the end of the decade.

Of these, he said 30% would be direct jobs, 20% will be indirect and 50% would be induced by an increase in household incomes coming from increased wages from these new direct and indirect jobs.  -mndjavera@nepc.com.na