NamPol must embrace technology

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NamPol must embrace technology

Dr. Kennedy Mabuku

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) stands on the crossover of a profound evolution, poised to redefine the fabric of law-enforcement in Namibia. As the complexities of security demands escalate, the imperative to transcend conventional methodologies and embrace innovative solutions becomes paramount.

Over the next 10 to 20 years, NamPol’s trajectory will be shaped by a convergence of technological advancements, evolving societal expectations, and legislative reforms.

An example of this transformative journey lies in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) within crime analytics.

While NamPol presently relies heavily on traditional crime data analysis methods, the advent of AI-powered predictive analytics promises a paradigm shift.

With this technology, NamPol could foresee crime hotspots with unparalleled precision, facilitating proactive resource deployment.

For instance, in Windhoek, more precise monitoring of areas prone to petty theft could drastically curtail such criminal activities. Furthermore, the envisioned expansion of body-worn camera usage within NamPol signs a new era of accountability and transparency. Already tried globally, these cameras hold the potential to furnish irrefutable evidence in instances of misconduct or dispute during arrests, significantly augmenting public trust in law-nforcement. Complemented by enhanced storage and retrieval systems, this technology could streamline the judicial process, furnishing courts with indisputable evidence. Another cornerstone of NamPol’s future lies in the evolution of community-oriented policing. Currently, embedded within NamPol’s strategic plan is the recognition that security is unachievable in isolation; it necessitates active collaboration with communities. In the coming years, the proliferation and systematic integration of community forums into NamPol’s operational framework will accelerate and catalyse a proactive and preventive approach to crime management. Foreseeably, training programmes emphasising de-escalation techniques and mental health awareness will become fundamental pillars of police education in

Namibia. While the current training regimen provides foundational elements, an expanded focus is imperative to equip officers with the insight to pilot an array of scenarios proficiently.

This means leveraging technology in training could bolster officers’ efficacy in managing volatile situations, thereby mitigating the propensity for violence.

Moreover, enhanced mental health training will empower officers to discern and address individuals in mental distress, ensuring they receive compassionate care.

In the envisioned future of policing, the necessity for education within the law enforcement setting will be more vital than ever before. As technological advancements continue to shape the policing landscape, individuals equipped with the readiness to adapt, analyse, and innovate will be in high demand.

This shift will herald a new era of leadership, characterised by a profound commit-ment to servant leadership principles.

Police leaders will operate with a keen awareness of emerging technologies, foster a culture of acceptance among subordinates, and exhibit an unwavering dedication to continuous learning, active listening, and decisive action.

This transformative mindset will permeate through all levels of NamPol administration, driving the adoption of evidence-based practices informed by extensive research. Individuals entrusted with leadership roles will serve as beacons of excellence, their capabilities honed through rigorous education and experience.

The envisioned future of NamPol practices will prioritise an accelerated shift towards customer-centric approaches, placing the needs and desires of the community at the forefront of every decision-making process. Within this framework,

technology will serve as a powerful enabler, enhancing the capabilities of police resources. While human personnel will remain indispensable, the utilisation of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologywill significantly augment the effectiveness of NamPol efforts.

Yet, amid these advancements, the trajectory of NamPol’s future is intertwined with legal and ethical considerations.

As NamPol embraces novel technologies, the imperative of ongoing legislative review and public discourse becomes indispensable.

Striking a delicate balance between harnessing technological benefits

and safeguarding civil liberties necessitates healthy data protection laws and oversight mechanisms. For NamPol to realise its envisioned future, it must traverse these ethical and legal complexities with meticulous attention.

* Dr Kennedy Mabuku, driven by a profound passion for security and policing, writes free from any affiliations or associations with specific security or policing entities.