
City Police Traffic Tips: Stop littering! Do not throw garbage out your car window

Home Motoring City Police Traffic Tips: Stop littering! Do not throw garbage out your car window
City Police Traffic Tips: Stop littering! Do not throw garbage out your car window

Community Policing Officer


The modern life is so fast that people rather consume food on the go, smoke and drink coffee in their cars, while moving from one place to another, picking up their kids from school and rushing to work. While these may provide convenience, it also cause more drivers and passengers to throw garbage out of their car windows. Frequently disposed of litter out of motor vehicles range from food wrappers, plastic and paper bags, empty bottles, coffee cups, cans and cigarette butts.

Littering makes the environment look dirty and unappealing, it harms the economy, decreases property value, can endanger animals and affect the natural beauty of the city. Inappropriate disposal of waste can also threaten the water resources by entering waterways through storm drains. Moreover, it costs the City of Windhoek a lot of money to remove litter and clean up the city.

Littering is defined as the act of disposing, intentionally or unintentionally, any type of garbage in places other than the appropriate disposal areas or containers. According to Windhoek Municipal Bylaws, no person is allowed to spill, drop, deposit or place any waste, in or on the street or public place that may cause untidiness, annoyance or danger to any person, animal or traffic. If you get caught throwing litter out of your car window, you can face a fine of N$700, in addition you can also be ordered to clean up your waste. 

Littering out of motor vehicle is not only harmful to the environment, but it can also cause danger to traffic and other road users. It is dangerous for a passenger or driver to throw their empty bottle through a moving vehicle’s window. Imagine if this empty bottle landed on someone’s windscreen, or if the vehicle behind swerved to avoid the bottle, it could cause an accident. Moreover, a broken bottle may cause tire puncture, which could be dangerous.  

We therefore urge motorists, including passengers to be responsible and start disposing of their waste in an appropriate manner. The best option to discard litter is to throw it in a waste bin, if there is no waste bin nearby, you can safely keep it in a plastic bag in your car until you reach the nearest bin. In spite of everything, the definitive solution to littering is for every one of us to decide not to litter. 

The Windhoek City Police can be reached at 061 290 2239 or 302 302. The SMS line 4444.