
ICT minister kicks off national pride engagements

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ICT minister kicks off national pride engagements

Nicholas Chaka 

Marythar Kambinda


KATIMA MULILO – The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Peya Mushelenga, this week kicked off regional engagements on the Nationhood and National Pride Programme in Katima Mulilo, Zambezi region.

These engagements are aimed at enhancing regional authorities’ understanding of the NNP programme, and the role they can play to contribute to a successful implementation of the programme within the region. 

The NNP programme was launched in 2011 by former President Hifikepunye Pohamba to instil the spirit of nationhood, patriotism and national pride in all Namibian citizens and further consolidate peace, unity and stability.

Speaking at the engagement, Mushelenga said, “government through MICT, developed the NNP programme as a vehicle to support and sustain the Namibian citizenship and motivate our individual and collective consciousness of our duty, commitment, obligations and responsibility to the nation and each other as fellow citizens of Namibia, the land of the brave”.

Mushelenga further added the programme also aims at promoting respect for national symbols, guarding against acts of vandalism of public properties, addressing violence against women and children, and branding Namibia, among others. 

A study undertaken by MICT in association with the University of Namibia (Unam) in 2008 concluded that many of the challenges facing the Namibian society could be associated with people’s poor self-image, their sense of community, belongingness to a Namibian nation, which they can proudly identify.

NNP regional engagements came at a time when Namibia is faced with many social ills, such as suicide, tribalism, alcohol abuse and unemployment among the youth. 

Shasimana Uugulu, MICT chief information officer responsible for campaigns, said through stakeholders’ engagements, the ministry would like to get buy-in and support in the implementation of the 2020-2025 NNP Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan.

“Following the launch of the new NNP strategic framework in 2020 at State House, MICT embarked on stakeholders’ engagements to get buy-in and support on the implementation of the NNP 12 commitments as approved by Cabinet. These engagements were, however, scaled down due to the then prevailing regulations, aimed at addressing the Covid-19 pandemic – and with the current relaxation of these regulations, we will reach out to as many stakeholders as possible, as everyone has a role to play in nation building.”

The key focus areas of the NNP programme during the 2020 to 2025 period are, among others, the strengthening of the common value system for Namibia, the establishment of a national brand council, the introduction of the national pledge of allegiance, particularly in schools in the country, enhancement of National Youth Service efforts and intensification of the fight against all forms of crime and violence in the country.

NNP regional engagements will be conducted across all 14 regions.