Okalongo moving towards village status

Home National Okalongo moving towards village status

Nuusita Ashipala

Okalongo could soon be self-sustainable and subsequently be declared a village following the Omusati Regional Council’s involvement to resolve land disputes at the settlement.

The chairperson of the Omusati Regional Council, Modestus Amutse, said all land disputes, which partially contributed to the slow growth of the settlement, have been resolved.

Moving forward, residents who had previously withheld development of their properties, as a result of the disputes, have been cleared to develop and thus contribute to the coffers of the settlement by means of service payments.

“We are on the right track and are optimistic that Okalongo could soon have a village council. But we also do not just want to declare it a village council, because of the sake of the people or for the sake of status, but it should be driven by sustainability,” said Amutse.

According to Amutse, the only thing now withholding the settlement from being declared village council status is the question of sustainability.
“Is it able to sustain itself currently or should we allow it to grow further in order to sustain its operations? But whatever we have done, is assisting Okalongo to sustain itself because people are now able to develop their areas,” said Amutse.

Amutse was optimistic that the freedom to finally develop would increase the number of service recipients and increase the settlement’s revenue collection.

He said council is also in the process of realigning minor issues such as looking into prospects of relocating or redesigning the dumping site so that it conforms to environmental standards.
In addition, the council is also busy installing other services such as water.
He said tenders in that regard had already been advertised.

Apart from Okalongo – Onesi and Ogongo settlements are also awaiting to be accorded village council status.
But the chairperson maintains that Okalongo is next in line.
Okalongo was declared a settlement almost 20 years ago.

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