Ten-year-old kills brother

Home Crime and Courts Ten-year-old kills brother

Helvy Shaanika

What was meant to be children playing ended in tragedy when a 10-year-old boy accidentally injured his 15-year-old brother with a knife in the thigh, causing his death.
The victim bled to death.

The incident took place last week at Omuntele village in Oshikoto Region.
The boys were manuring their parents’ mahangu field when the younger one threw a knife at his elder brother.
The knife struck the brother in the thigh and the victim then pulled it out, causing him to bleed profusely.
His parents rushed him to hospital but he had lost a lot of blood by then and died moments after arrival at the hospital.

The boy, whose identity cannot be revealed because he is a minor, appeared before magistrate Ilge Rheent at the Ondangwa court. He was released to his guardians pending investigations and screening by a social worker.
His case was postponed to February 23, 2018. Prosecutor Naboth Tangeni Iyambo represented the state.