
Debunking myths around contraceptives

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Debunking myths around contraceptives

For many years, women have been subjected to being called sluts or whores for using contraceptives. 

In this same line, they have been attacked with certain lies to get them to stop using any form of contraceptives. 

Some women actually started believing these myths about these products – to the extent that they have stopped using them. 

This article debunks two myths that are common. 

Contraceptives make you infertile (Myth)

The truth in this is that there is usually a lot of confusion when it comes to controlling fertility. 

However, please note that hormonal contraceptives do not cause infertility – no matter which method you use or how long you have been using it. 

It is important to remember that contraceptives are made to delay your fertility and for pregnancy prevention. 

Only when you stop taking whatever method of contraceptive you use will your fertility levels resume. 

Although there can be a delay in fertility once the birth control hormones have left the body, normal levels usually return in a few months at the longest. 

It is also important to note that during the course of using contraceptives, there might be irregularities in your menstrual cycle. 

However, they are normal – unless severe. 

Depending on the method an individual is using, your period may be lighter or heavier. 

In many cases, your period will become regular – but in other cases, periods become irregular or disappear entirely. 

After stopping hormonal birth control, some people may notice similar irregularities for a few weeks or months. 

This is usually a result of the hormones released by birth control, stopping ovulation, so it can take a while for the menstrual cycle to return to its usual state.


You can’t take the emergency pill more than two times (Myth)

To be safe, doctors advise you to go on long-term contraceptives. 

There is no limit to the number of times an individual can take Plan B or the emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill). 

People can take it as often as necessary to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. 

The only problem would then be that the emergency pill does not work during ovulation. 

As such, it is rather advised by health professionals for women who are sexually active to not make it a regular form of birth control, but rather find a regular one, as it is more effective. 

Another reason that doctors do not recommend frequent use of Plan B is that it may cause menstrual periods to become irregular or cause spotting between periods. 

As such, there is no need to be scared to take a morning-after pill as often as you want – just make sure it is not during ovulation, as it will not work. 

Also, it does not matter which form or method of contraceptives you make use of – it will not cause infertility at all. 

If you are experiencing irregularities, it is best you visit your doctor and get checked out. 


* Frieda Mukufa’s lifestyle section concentrates on women-related issues and parenting every Friday in the New Era newspaper. She also specialises in editing research proposals, proofreading as well as content creation.

– etuholefrieda@gmail.com