
Stolen GRN vehicle spotted in Angola

Home National Stolen GRN vehicle spotted in Angola
Stolen GRN vehicle spotted in Angola

The government vehicle that was stolen over the weekend in the vicinity of Ongwediva has been tracked in Angola. 

According to Oshana police spokesperson Thomas Aiyambo, the Toyota GD6 double cab bakkie, registration number GRN84144, was stolen from a woman at Oshinyadhila No 2, around 02h00 on Saturday.

The woman allegedly got out of the vehicle to open the gate of her homestead in the village. 

That was when two men emerged from the dark and grabbed the car keys before they drove away. 

Aiyambo indicated the car belongs to the ministry of fisheries, and the woman was given authority to go with the government car to her house. 

She was apparently attending to some work errands at Ompundja constituency, and she passed by a friend in Ongwediva before she went home.

The car’s tracking device has since shown the vehicle has crossed the Namibian/Angolan border, and it is in the neighbouring country. 

The police are pleading with the public to work together in tracing where the car is exactly hidden in Angola.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na