
Opinion – Ukraine and irrational Western politics

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Opinion –  Ukraine and irrational Western politics

 The West demonstrates two main directions of its Ukrainian policy, and it is not a search for ways of peaceful negotiations. 

The first direction is an attempt to harm the economy and weaken Russia, and the second is the thoughtless and uncontrolled weapons supply to Kyiv. After six months of conflict, it is clear that this policy does not achieve its goals and causes great damage to Western and other countries.

The Europe energy crisis caused by six packages of sanctions against Russia, has taught the US and the European Union nothing. 

The falling living standards of the population, the galloping rise in prices for food, utilities and fuel throughout the world, including Africa, does not force Washington and Brussels to stop.

According to the World Street Journal, the G7 finance ministers on September 2 adopted a plan to limit the price of Russian oil. 

The US White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre noted that this is the most effective way to decrease the income of the Russian Federation. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed hope for the rapid destruction of the Russian economy and lower inflation in the US. The Italian politician Mario Draghi was the “ingenious” author of the idea to limit the price of Russian energy resources.

Previous anti-Russian sanctions had the reverse effect. Now we can assume who will suffer more again, Russia or Europe, and how these measures will affect the global economy, including African countries.

US energy expert Anas Al-Hajj has already warned of the dire consequences of capping Russian oil prices. According to him, the price of fuel will increase many times due to the imbalance of supply and demand, as well as the rise in the cost of energy delivery. The same decision on gas earlier caused an acute energy crisis in the EU.

He noted that the taxpayers of the European Union, the United States and other countries of the world would traditionally have to pay for this. How do you like the prospect of a further gasoline and diesel fuel price rise here in Africa?

In response to aggressive step by the EU, Moscow warned that it would not supply oil products to states that would support the restrictions. Russia considers such measures to be interference in market mechanisms. It will redirect oil flows to sovereign countries capable of implementing a foreign policy independent of the West.

Since the beginning of 2022, the volume of Russian energy exports has remained unchanged practically and now stands at level of more than seven million barrels per day. Experts note that Moscow’s income from oil exports is still high.

The standard of living in Russia, unlike the United States and Europe, has not fallen since February of this year, prices for food, fuel and utilities have fluctuated within the usual average annual limits. 

The national currency has become one of the most stable in the world. Gasoline prices even went down. Today it is ridiculous to hear European accusations against Russia of using natural resources as a weapon. On the contrary, the West continues to increase the supply real powerful weapons to the Ukrainian conflict zone, which threat to the security of the Russian population and force the Russian army to take action that is more decisive. 

Permanent Representative of the UN Security Council V. Nebenzya said that Moscow reserves the right to strike at decision-making centers because of the supply of American MLRS to Kyiv. The German magazine Compact wrote that further deliveries of Western weapons do not create conditions for ending the conflict and contribute to its escalation. The United States often uses this practice. They supply heavy weapons to the combat zone when it is beneficial for them to stir up it. They are acting by proxy, remaining on the sidelines.

Western countries are hurting the populations of Europe and Africa. According to Interpol, most of the weapons supplied to Ukraine end up on the “black markets” and terrorists would use it for attacks against the population around the world, including our continent.

Russia’s actions in Ukraine today are justified by the protection of the Russian-speaking population of the Eastern regions from the eight-year genocide by Kyiv, as well as the aggressive NATO bloc rapid approach to the Russian borders. Any sane person understands that Russia is not going to attack NATO because it is end of civilisation. 

What does justify the actions of the West, which harm their own population and the inhabitants of poor African states? Along with fomenting the conflict in Ukraine, Western countries are unleashing a full-scale energy war and all states will again suffer, including African countries.