
Board members appointed at TransNamib

Home National Board members appointed at TransNamib
Board members appointed at TransNamib

The Acting Minister of Public Enterprises Ipumbu Shiimi this week confirmed the appointment of the TransNamib Board of Directors. The appointments at the State-owned rail and freight operator were undertaken in accordance with the Public Enterprises Governance Act. 

Shiimi noted that arrangements are being made to fill additional vacancies in due course, including the vacancy left by the former chairperson, as three of the current board members’ terms expire on 7 October 2022. 

The parastatal’s board now consists of Gaenor C. Michaels (deputy chairperson: reappointed); Josephine Shikongo-Asino (reappointed), Johanna Hatutale (new appointment) and Pombili Ndeunyema (new appointment). Meanwhile, the board members whose terms end on 7 October this year are Michael Ochurub. Erastus Ikela and Vincent Mberema. 

Government considers TransNamib as a strategic entity, and is doing everything in its power to make it sustainable.

The board members will serve for a period of three (3) years, effective from 01 September 2021 to 31 August 2025. The acting minister wished the directors the very best of luck in the execution of their duties.