‘Spoken word’ end year with a bang

Home Lifestyle ‘Spoken word’ end year with a bang

Jeremiah Ndjoze

Windhoek-In existence since 2004, one can safely say Spoken Word Namibia has come of age.
In fact, if Spoken Word Namibia was a parent, her child would be going through puberty – a time of great excitement and reflection while looking to the looming good days. It is with these same sentiments that the Spoken Word Namibia team is approaching its last show for the year 2017.

A show anchored on diversity, just like diverse personas of the acts that will bring it together. “We’ve seen them come and go. We’ve also seen them grow, as many of our poets have gone into other areas of performance, building audiences of their own in related and original art forms and Spoken Word, following a passion to create a culture of poetry, story-telling, writing, and performance, is proud to be part of the growing community of artists who advocate for a safe space to share original thought, creativity and freedom of expression,” Team SWN, as the organising crew is known, reveals.

Team SWN maintains that while the artists have been busy with their own hustles, as the sun sets on 2017, Spoken Word is regrouping for an end-of-the-year show that will blow the audiences’ socks off.

The ‘Running down a dream’, show opens tonight to resume next Wednesday at the Warehouse Theatre.
Entry fees is N$50 and N$40 for non-students and students, respectively. Spoken Word Namibia is a non-profit organisation run by a committee whose members offer time and services without remuneration.