Opinion –  Navigating market volatility, surging inflation and higher borrowing costs

Home National Opinion –  Navigating market volatility, surging inflation and higher borrowing costs
Opinion –   Navigating market volatility, surging inflation and higher borrowing costs

Josef Kefas Sheehama

The Namibia inflation CPI hit 6.80% as prices keep surging in July 2022 – up from 4% recorded in July 2021, largely driven by increases in food, transport and non-alcoholic beverages.

The most likely outlook remains a continuation along the current path of economic stagnation and deterioration of Namibia’s prolonged financial crisis. Right now, we know that volatility is high, meaning that markets are very emotional. 

The escalating geopolitical tension between Russia and Ukraine could increase the price of cars as more Namibians demand more new cars. The City of Windhoek approved a 7.80% tariff increase, effective 1 July 2022, to ensure a sustainable electricity industry at affordable tariffs. 

The higher costs come at a time when the banks’ interest rate has risen as well as increased fuel and food prices. The cost of living crisis will deepen inequality in Namibia; yet, no political party is talking seriously about addressing the enormity of this challenge by fixing our broken social safety net. 

I am talking here about people in genuine distress, who do not have the money to pay their bills because, I think, human beings, as well as having a water right, have a right to light and warmth. 

It is unclear how long the cost of living crisis will last. The world’s ability to foster collective action in the face of urgent major crises has reached crisis levels, with worsening international relations hindering action across a growing array of serious challenges.

 Meanwhile, a darkening economic outlook, in part caused by geopolitical tensions, looks set to further reduce the potential for international cooperation in 2022/2023.

Additionally, as inflation rises, it erodes the spending power of people’s hard-earned cash. So it is important to make sure one’s money is working hard for you. But it is almost impossible to find a savings account to beat inflation at the moment. 

Everyone is going to be hit, and it will feel like a big squeeze for everybody. It is going to feel like a catastrophe for lower-income households if nothing changes. The ruling, if left uncontested, will not only disrupt the industry but will further suppress economic recovery, considering the current threat the country’s economy is facing. 

This means Namibia will increase the repo rate. It should be noted that although much of this inflationary pressure is supply-side based, there is merit in increasing interest rates as a tool to try to slow down inflation. 

The Namibian Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee could increase the repo rate by 0.75% basis points on 17 August 2022. 

Volatility in global commodity prices and ongoing supply chain disruption will continue to stoke price pressures. 

However, one of the most serious repercussions resulting from such a heavy interest rate increase is the threat to food security, as such a sharp increase will once again drive up the price of basic foodstuff, leaving even more Namibians food vulnerable. Money will become very expensive. 

It would also increase the cost of loans, cutting what consumers have available to spend elsewhere. Those who are saving money would see higher interest payments as a benefit to their investments.

The ongoing challenge of inflation emerged for almost 12 months. What started as supply disruptions affecting a few products in a few sectors has broadened to include a wide range of everyday items. 

High inflation for extended periods can also complicate the Bank of Namibia’s ability to bring inflation back to our target inflation rate. That is because inflation can become self-fulfilling if it leads households and businesses to expect higher inflation in the future. 

The economy is still on a weakfish footing with not all of the sectors in positive growth territory, and consumers remain under pressure with higher inflation and higher interest rates. My expectation is that inflation will probably peak around 7.50% in October and then slightly scale down near the end of 2022. 

The longer inflation remains well above our target, the more likely it is to feed into inflation expectations and the greater the risk that inflation becomes self-fulfilling. History shows that once high inflation is entrenched, bringing it back down without severely hampering the economy is hard. Preventing high inflation from becoming entrenched is much more desirable than trying to quash it once it has.

Going forward, monetary policy in Namibia is oriented towards keeping inflation low and stable. The set of inflationary forces, linked mainly to supply and stemming mostly from international developments, is more complicated for monetary policy to control. This is especially so in a small, open economy such as Namibia. 

These forces were evident last year and further escalated in February 2022. Supply shortages and disruptions emerged as much of the world economy reopened after the initial lockdowns, caused by the pandemic. 

The war in Ukraine has further amplified supply issues, while also causing prices for oil, wheat, fertiliser and other production inputs to soar. The entire economic sector is facing inflation in pretty much every aspect of the business. This means rising in raw materials, packaging, transportation and labour unrest. 

This unusually high uncertainty will translate into volatile energy prices and financial markets over the next five to seven months. That could create a feedback loop, driving prices higher. 

It is a concern because when you are battling inflation on multiple fronts, it is not just the supply chain or the labour unrest, but the consumer who is in the blend. It just increases the difficulty in bringing inflation under control.

To that end, the consumer purse strings are slowly being won by high inflation, rising borrowing costs and dismal confidence. Namibians and the economy have been through a lot these five years: the extreme and uneven economic effects of the technical recession, drought and pandemic, the moderate recovery, Russian-Ukraine unrest and now the persistently high inflation.

Therefore, it is a very difficult time for many people all over Namibia to walk that tightrope.


* The opinions expressed in the article are of the author and are in no way linked to his employer or affiliates.