
Omusati needs nurses

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Omusati needs nurses

Omusati has an urgent need for medical professionals. The region, with over 243 600 people has only 15 medical doctors, 222 registered nurses and 259 enrolled nurses.

Governor Erginus Endjala said the ratio of the population per doctor is 10 783, and for nurses is 1 354. More than 133 600 of the population are women. Its annual growth rate is 0,6%. 

About 286 000 people are treated and receive medical services in the region annually. The total number of approved posts in the region is 752 medical experts.

“This indicates that there is a shortage of medical personnel. Hence, the youth should be encouraged to join this profession,” he said.

Health director Alfons Amoomo said the region needs more than 20 nurses to effectively manage the health promotion, prevention and curative services.

Amoomo told New Era recently that most of the young nurses are not willing to work in remote areas. As a result, the region is faced with challenges for nursing personnel.

The director said although the region had challenges of shortage of health workers to effectively manage the Covid-19 pandemic last year, that challenge was overcome as they were recruited to carry out the vaccinations.

However, according to Amoomo, the region is still in dire need of nurses at the rural health centres.

He said the region had a lot of temporary health workers and their absence has now left a vacuum.

“The region also has other challenges such as the erratic supply of some essential pharmaceuticals and insufficient budget allocation,” he explained.