‘Killer’ cop to cooperate with investigation

Home National ‘Killer’ cop to cooperate with investigation
‘Killer’ cop to cooperate with investigation

The Namibian Police officer, accused of shooting and killing his colleague through a toilet door at a bar, was denied bail by the Katutura Magistrate’s Court.

Gilbert !Owoseb (28) made his first court appearance before magistrate Sally Salionga on a charge of murder for the death of his colleague Nestory Mushiwete Usebiu on 15 July.

During his court appearance on Monday, prosecutor Victoria Thompson said the State is not in favour of the court releasing !Owoseb on bail, pending the finalisation of his case.

According to Thompson, investigations are still at an early stage, and the accused is facing a serious charge. 

“The State also fears that the accused, if released on bail, might interfere with ongoing investigations,” said Thompson.

However, !Owoseb’s lawyer Jermaine Muchali informed the court he is offering himself to assist with the investigation. 

“The accused is in the position to assist with investigations by pointing out the scene,” said Muchali.

Muchali also made an application to have the investigation officer take blood samples and bodily pictures of !Owoseb, who appeared with a visibly swollen face.

“It is my understanding that at the time of the alleged incident, the accused was drinking alcohol and was intoxicated. But no blood samples were taken since his arrest. It is our submission that these are relevant evidence for the case,” submitted Muchali.

He requested the court to grant the order for the samples and pictures to be taken yesterday.

Muchali also informed the court they would be launching a formal bail application for the court to consider releasing !Owoseb on bail.

Magistrate Salionga ordered for the samples and images to be taken, and postponed the case to 28 September for further police investigations. 

Gilbert remains detained at the Seeis Police Station.

According to police reports, Gilbert and Usebiu were involved in an argument at a bar in the Single Quarters area. 

“Investigations found that the above members were at the IPIPC for a course but were in the location at the above-mentioned erf to drink, and a quarrel erupted and led to the shooting,” reads the police report.

The victim was declared dead on the scene.

The police further indicated that a service weapon was used. 

According to The Namibian, a witness saw !Owoseb and Usebiu arrive in a group at a bar, and later an argument ensued. 

Gilbert allegedly threatened to shoot Usebiu, and other colleagues removed his service pistol.

After he calmed down, the pistol was returned to him, and he went to the toilet. 

However, after an hour, Usebiu followed Gilbert, saying he has been gone for a long time. 

They then heard a gunshot.

– mamakali@nepc.com.na